Reliable automated testing for your Jenkins pipeline

Continuous testing for every release, on BrowserStack’s Real Device Cloud.

Continuous testing at scale

Test your builds on BrowserStack's reliable, scalable infrastructure. Ship every release with confidence.

Test every commit automatically

Automatically determine if a build is ready for the next step. Each new code commit to the repository triggers Selenium tests on BrowserStack. These tests run in clean, isolated test environments.

Discover compatibility bugs early

Test on real devices to discover compatibility bugs early in your test cycle. Leverage BrowserStack’s Real Device Cloud of 2,000+ devices and browsers to deploy bug-free applications.

Iterate and ship faster

Cut down on test execution time with parallel testing. Execute multiple tests simultaneously and get exponentially faster feedback on every commit.

Ship faster with quality using BrowserStack

Easy setup

Eliminate the pain of complicated setup. BrowserStack’s plugin automatically establishes and authenticates a connection.

Secure and isolated

Secure Local Testing

Set up and tear down your local binary securely and automatically through your Jenkins pipeline.

Insightful reports

Get test results, video logs and screenshots delivered directly to Jenkins job results with BrowserStack.

Don’t use Jenkins? Try BrowserStack’s other CI integrations

Bamboo CI