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App Launch Time

The App Launch Time metric measures how long it takes for the app to launch and display its first frame. This is calculated by terminating the app and launching a fresh session.

Impact on user experience

App launch is the first impression of app performance and should be delightful. Decreasing app launch time improves the user experience and reduces chances of the iOS watchdog timer terminating the app.

Threshold guidelines

Cold startup should take <= 3s.


The following are the recommendations to improve App Launch Time:

  • Reduce the size of your app bundle: Remove unnecessary resources and assets from your app’s bundle to reduce its size and improve launch time.
  • Delay non-essential work: Defer non-essential tasks, such as analytics or data processing, until after your app has finished launching to reduce the time taken to display the initial interface.
  • Minimize app dependencies: Reduce the number of dependencies your app has, and use lightweight frameworks and libraries to minimize the time taken to initialize your app.
  • Use app thinning: Use app thinning techniques such as on-demand resources and bitcode to reduce the size of your app bundle and improve launch time.
  • Optimize your app’s launch storyboard: Use a launch storyboard to create a static interface for your app’s launch screen, and minimize the number of resources loaded during launch.

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