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Execute tests on BrowserStack Cloud Infrastructure

Execute your tests now on cloud with zero setup & maintenance.

BrowserStack Low Code Automation handles the infrastructure and environment provisioning, allowing you to focus solely on your testing efforts. This streamlined approach reduces overhead and time spent on setup. You also have the flexibility to initiate scheduled test executions on cloud effortlessly. This allows you to tailor your testing strategy to the specific needs of your project.

Triggering Cloud Execution

Every test suite is set to run on BrowserStack’s cloud infrastructure by default when executed. You have the flexibility to execute a test suite instantly on demand or set up scheduled runs. For detailed information on configuring a scheduler, please refer to this link.

If you haven’t enabled the IP geolocation feature or do not have an enterprise plan, the tests get executed from the nearest data center of the country from which the test is being run. If you require the test to be executed from a specific country, refer to the documentation on IP geolocation.

To trigger a test suite on demand, go to the Test Suites page and click Run. Cloud trigger

Parallel Testing

BrowserStack Low code automation empowers you with Parallel Testing, enabling simultaneous execution of multiple tests across diverse browser and OS combinations. This approach accelerates testing by allowing more tests to run concurrently, leading to reduced overall testing duration. With faster build times, releases are expedited, minimizing the waiting time for builds to finish.

To configure your account for parallel testing, contact us.

How does parallel testing work in Low Code Automation?

By default, Low Code Automation runs the tests inside the test suites in a sequential manner, when no parallels are configured.

When you have configured parallels for your account, it triggers the tests inside the test suites with that many parallels. For example, if your test suite contains 50 tests and you have 5 parallels configured for your account, Low Code Automation executes 5 tests in parallel for that suite until all tests within the suite are executed completely.

View Cloud Runs

  1. Navigate to Builds page to view the test suite run status upon completion.
  2. On demand builds can be differentiated from the scheduled builds using the “Triggered by” field under Build Name. Build Run
  3. Each build can be uniquely identified based on the build number that gets auto incremented upon every test suite run.
  4. You can even share the build link with your team members in the same BrowserStack organization by clicking on the Copy Build URL button from the Build details page. Build Details

Email Reports

Get a real-time overview of every build run status on your email. Every email notification provides you an overview of your build status on the number of tests passed, failed or skipped along with other relevant information. Email Reports

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