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What is a Quality Dashboard?

An Executive View of Quality-focused metrics for efficient software delivery. Accelerate decision-making with critical insights, all from one place.

BrowserStack’s Quality Dashboard aims to enable Quality leaders to monitor high-level different SDLC aspects from a Quality lens. With built-in connectors for numerous tools, the Quality Dashboard provides visibility into different insights helping leaders evaluate the ROI from their ongoing efforts.

Why use Quality Dashboard?

BrowserStack’s Quality Dashboard brings visibility and builds alignment within teams on critical metrics that affect the overall software delivery. The tool helps you achieve the following objectives:

Visibility into Metrics and Insights

  • Quality Dashboard brings clear visibility into the key SDLC metrics, sorted in a way that allows quicker decision-making backed by richer insights.
  • The tool helps build standardization across different teams on the same metrics, goals and objectives.

Seamless integration with daily-use tools

  • Quality Dashboard aggregates metrics and insights from various tools to provide a comprehensive view of different phases of SDLC.
  • The tool provides frictionless integrations with tools that you rely on for your respective tasks. For example Jira, Jenkins, TestRails, etc.

Achieve Efficient Releases

  • Quality Dashboard provides visibility into productivity metrics like Cycle Time to surface bottlenecks and focus areas to streamline and achieve faster and more efficient releases.
  • The tool uses integrated tools to provide auto-generated actionable insights helping you plan better.

Get Started

  1. Follow the step-by-step setup guide here and achieve visibility into your metrics.
  2. Integrate with different tools to get end-to-end visibility.


Quality Dashboard is in Alpha and we are continuously working on fixes and delivering awesome new features. Join our early release program and if you have a query or need help with product setup or encounter any issues, please reach out to us. Your feedback is extremely valuable.

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