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Debug your builds using Test Observability

Use these features in Test Observability for efficient debugging.

Enhance your debugging experience with Test Observability

With Test Observability, you get all the tools for a fast, efficient, and precise debugging experience.

Here’s how you can use Test Observability to debug your tests:

  1. Build Runs: View your build runs and gain high-level insights about your builds. At a glance, you get to know how many tests passed or failed, whether there are flaky tests in your builds, and several other relevant details about your build runs. If you need to know more about any of the build runs, click that build run to open Build Insights. Learn more about Build Runs here. Demo of Build Runs
  2. Build Insights: View charts and widgets in Build Insights that provide detailed information and statistics on your builds. Features like Unique Errors list, Custom Alerts, Failure Categories, and others help you to constantly improve your test suite. Learn more about Build Insights here. Demo of Build Insights
  3. Test Listing: Inspect the tests using Smart Tags, test execution history, stack traces, etc. You get a complete picture of what happened with each of your tests in your build run. To debug further, click a test to open the Timeline Debugging view. Learn more about Test Listing here. Demo of Test Listing
  4. Timeline Debugging: View historical runs of the same test case in the Timeline Debugging view to make debugging easier. You can also view contextual details about the test including a video recording, test code, and the capabilities to figure out what went wrong in failed tests. Learn more about Timeline Debugging here. Demo of Timeline Debugging
  5. Report bugs: If you spot a bug, you can report it on Jira from the Test Listing or the Timeline Debugging view. Test Observability automatically loads all test information into the Jira bug such that it is easier for a developer to fix issues. Learn how to integrate Jira here. Demo of reporting a Jira bug
  6. Share and Download: You can download a PDF of your Build Insights or share a link with your teammates. With this feature, you can collaborate better with your teammates to resolve any issues in your test suite. Learn more about sharing and downloading here. Demo of download and share features

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