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Get tests API in Test Observability

Use this API to get the list of test executions along with the result for a specific build run. You can get a subset of the test runs you want by passing the relevant request parameters.

get tests


Request parameters


  • re_runs String

    Get tests belonging to specific runs

  • ci_build_numbers String

    Get the test runs associated with specific CI build numbers

  • test_statuses String

    Filter the test runs by their status

  • host_names String

    Filter the test runs by host names

  • is_flaky Boolean

    Set to ‘true’, to filter test runs that are flaky

  • has_performance_anomaly Boolean

    Set to ‘true’, to focus on test runs that have performance anomalies

  • is_new_failure Boolean

    Set to to true, to focus on tests that have newly failed in this run.

  • is_always_failing Boolean

    Set to to true, to focus the tests tagged as always failing.

  • is_muted Boolean

    Set to to true, to filter for muted tests.

  • failure_categories String

    Filters test failures by failure categories.

  • devices String

    Focus on tests run on a specific devices.

  • os String

    Filter test runs by the operating systems they run on.

  • sort String

    Used to specify the criterion by which the tests have to be sorted. Available critetia are EXECUTION_ORDER, TOP_LEVEL_NAME, DURATION, FAILED_TEST, and PLATFORM

  • order String

    Used to sort tests in ascending or descending order. (Asc for ascending and Desc for descending).

  • next_page String

    Used to fetch subsequent pages of the build list. Pass the next_page reference received in the response of last request.

Response Attributes 200 OK JSON


    "name": "Test Observability Samples",
    "project_id": 825,
    "group_id": 2,
    "build_id": "81yobvicuiuozd1bncaeegvubey7rbl8naevwets",
    "build_name": "wdio-cucumber-samples",
    "build_number": 235,
    "original_name": "wdio-cucumber-samples",
    "test_summary": {
        "passed": 30,
        "failed": 24,
        "pending": 0,
        "skipped": 8,
        "unknown": 0
    "is_archived": false,
    "hierarchy": [
            "summary": {
                "passed": 1,
                "failed": 3,
                "pending": 0,
                "skipped": 0,
                "unknown": 0
            "is_after_all_hook": null,
            "children": [
                    "summary": null,
                    "is_after_all_hook": null,
                    "children": [],
                    "rank": 2,
                    "details": {
                        "is_flaky": false,
                        "is_always_failing": false,
                        "is_auto_analyzed": null,
                        "observability_url": "",
                        "is_performance_anomaly": false,
                        "is_muted": false,
                        "is_new_failure": false,
                        "tags": [
                        "run_count": 1,
                        "duration": 10258,
                        "retries": [
                                "uuid": "1618677e-6154-4e7a-b155-cb359d455c99",
                                "status": "failed",
                                "duration": 10258,
                                "logs": {
                                    "TEST_FAILURE": [
                                        "Error: function timed out, ensure the promise resolves within 10000 milliseconds\n    at Timeout.<anonymous> (C:\\ProgramData\\Jenkins\\.jenkins\\workspace\\staging-sanity\\wdio-cucumber\\test-samples\\nodejs\\wdio\\node_modules\\@cucumber\\cucumber\\src\\time.ts:52:14)\n    at listOnTimeout (node:internal/timers:557:17)\n    at processTimers (node:internal/timers:500:7)"
                                    "TEST_LOG": [
                        "jira_details": [],
                        "is_auto_analyzer_running": false,
                        "is_latest": true,
                        "status": "failed"
                    "type": "TEST",
                    "display_name": "Verify Logging - Browserstack Logo Text - Fail",
                    "is_before_all_hook": null
                    "summary": null,
                    "is_after_all_hook": null,
                    "children": [],
                    "rank": 2,
                    "details": {
                        "is_flaky": false,
                        "is_always_failing": true,
                        "is_auto_analyzed": null,
                        "observability_url": "",
                        "is_performance_anomaly": false,
                        "is_muted": false,
                        "is_new_failure": false,
                        "tags": [
                        "run_count": 1,
                        "duration": 191122,
                        "retries": [
                                "uuid": "c17bccdc-4a15-44ab-97f0-3c9596b4e2a6",
                                "status": "failed",
                                "duration": 191122,
                                "logs": {
                                    "TEST_FAILURE": [
                                        "Error: Can't call setValue on element with selector \"#username input\" because element wasn't found\n    at implicitWait (file:///C:/ProgramData/Jenkins/.jenkins/workspace/staging-sanity/wdio-cucumber/test-samples/nodejs/wdio/node_modules/webdriverio/build/utils/implicitWait.js:29:19)\n    at Element.elementErrorHandlerCallbackFn (file:///C:/ProgramData/Jenkins/.jenkins/workspace/staging-sanity/wdio-cucumber/test-samples/nodejs/wdio/node_modules/webdriverio/build/middlewares.js:15:29)\n    at Element.wrapCommandFn (file:///C:/ProgramData/Jenkins/.jenkins/workspace/staging-sanity/wdio-cucumber/test-samples/nodejs/wdio/node_modules/@wdio/utils/build/shim.js:90:29)\n    at SignInAppErrorPage.login (C:\\ProgramData\\Jenkins\\.jenkins\\workspace\\staging-sanity\\wdio-cucumber\\test-samples\\nodejs\\wdio\\pageobjects\\bstack-demo\/"
                                    "TEST_LOG": [
                        "jira_details": [],
                        "is_auto_analyzer_running": false,
                        "is_latest": true,
                        "status": "failed"
                    "type": "TEST",
                    "display_name": "Verify Logging - Browserstack Logo Text (1)",
                    "is_before_all_hook": null
                    "summary": null,
                    "is_after_all_hook": null,
                    "children": [],
                    "rank": 2,
                    "details": {
                        "is_flaky": false,
                        "is_always_failing": false,
                        "is_auto_analyzed": null,
                        "observability_url": "",
                        "is_performance_anomaly": false,
                        "is_muted": false,
                        "is_new_failure": false,
                        "tags": [],
                        "run_count": 1,
                        "duration": 17,
                        "retries": [
                                "uuid": "2ebbae12-1706-4927-9726-278907c30915",
                                "status": "passed",
                                "duration": 17,
                                "logs": {}
                        "jira_details": [],
                        "is_auto_analyzer_running": false,
                        "is_latest": true,
                        "status": "passed"
                    "type": "TEST",
                    "display_name": "Verify API Loging Count (1)",
                    "is_before_all_hook": null
                    "summary": {
                        "passed": 0,
                        "failed": 0,
                        "pending": 0,
                        "skipped": 0,
                        "unknown": 0
                    "is_after_all_hook": true,
                    "children": [],
                    "rank": 2,
                    "details": {
                        "is_flaky": false,
                        "is_always_failing": false,
                        "is_auto_analyzed": null,
                        "observability_url": "",
                        "is_performance_anomaly": false,
                        "is_muted": false,
                        "is_new_failure": false,
                        "tags": [],
                        "run_count": 1,
                        "duration": 7,
                        "retries": [
                                "uuid": "a6a879e4-037c-4f89-90a9-bd2b9a86f57a",
                                "status": "failed",
                                "duration": 7,
                                "logs": {
                                    "TEST_FAILURE": [
                                        "AssertionError:\n    at C:\\ProgramData\\Jenkins\\.jenkins\\workspace\\staging-sanity\\wdio-cucumber\\test-samples\\nodejs\\wdio\\hooks\\support\/hooks.js:22:14\n    at wrapPromiseWithTimeout (C:\\ProgramData\\Jenkins\\.jenkins\\workspace\\staging-sanity\\wdio-cucumber\\test-samples\\nodejs\\wdio\\node_modules\\@cucumber\\cucumber\\src\\time.ts:55:10)\n    at (C:\\ProgramData\\Jenkins\\.jenkins\\workspace\\staging-sanity\\wdio-cucumber\\test-samples\\nodejs\\wdio\\node_modules\\@cucumber\\cucumber\\src\\user_code_runner.ts:86:16)\n    at Runtime.runTestRunHooks (C:\\ProgramData\\Jenkins\\.jenkins\\workspace\\staging-sanity\\wdio-cucumber\\test-samples\\nodejs\\wdio\\node_modules\\@cucumber\\cucumber\\src\\runtime\\run_test_run_hooks.ts:21:29)\n    at Runtime.start (C:\\ProgramData\\Jenkins\\.jenkins\\workspace\\staging-sanity\\wdio-cucumber\\test-samples\\nodejs\\wdio\\node_modules\\@cucumber\\cucumber\\src\\runtime\\index.ts:118:5)\n    at runCucumber (C:\\ProgramData\\Jenkins\\.jenkins\\workspace\\staging-sanity\\wdio-cucumber\\test-samples\\nodejs\\wdio\\node_modules\\@cucumber\\cucumber\\src\\api\\run_cucumber.ts:125:19)"
                        "jira_details": [],
                        "is_auto_analyzer_running": false,
                        "is_latest": true,
                        "status": "failed"
                    "type": "HOOK",
                    "display_name": "AFTER_ALL for BStack Logging Components",
                    "is_before_all_hook": false
            "rank": 0,
            "details": {
                "file_path": "features/e2e/bstack_demo/Logging.feature",
                "os": {
                    "name": "os x",
                    "version": "big sur",
                    "key": "OS X,Big Sur"
                "finished_at": null,
                "browser": {
                    "name": "chrome",
                    "version": "124",
                    "key": "Chrome,124"
                "vc_file_url": "",
                "device": "",
                "middle_scopes": null
            "type": "ROOT",
            "display_name": "BStack Logging Components",
            "is_before_all_hook": null
    "pagination": {
        "has_next": true,
        "next_page": "eyJvcyI6Ik9TIFgsQmlnIFN1ciIsImRldmljZSI6Ik5BIiwiZmlsZU5hbWUiOiJmZWF0dXJlcy9lMmUvYnN0YWNrX2RlbW8vaG9tZS9Ib21lUGFnZS5mZWF0dXJlIiwiYnJvd3NlciI6IkNocm9tZSwxMjQifQ=="
  • name String

    Name of the project

  • project_id String

    ID of the project.

  • group_id Integer

    Identifier for your account or group.

  • build_id String

    Unique id of the build run. Also referred to as build uuid in some places.

  • build_name String

    The name of the build. This is the derived build name of the after removing the dynamic parts from the name passed by you.

  • build_number Integer

    Serial number of the run for a given build, generated by Test Observability.

  • original_name String

    Exact name of the build as passed at the time of ingestion by client. This includes the dynamic parts like build serial numbers as well.

  • test_summary Object

    A list of all the test statuses along with the number of tests in those statuses

  • is_Archived Boolean

    Specifies if the build run is archived or not.

  • hierarchy Object

    Contains a list of all the tests with the test details and the test statuses.

  • pagination JSON Object

    Specifies if there is a next page and provides the value for next page.

    • has_next Boolean

      True if there is a next page. False if there is no next page.

    • next_page String

      A reference to the next page. Pass this as a request parameter in the subsequent request as “next_page” to get the next page of records.

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