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Android UI Rendering Performance

The UI Rendering Performance metric is measured by observing if app interactions in key user journeys are smooth, natural, and free of lag.

Following metrics are usedd to measure UI rendering app performance of an Android app:

  • Percentage of Slow Frames rendered: Percentage of frames taking more than 16 ms to render.
  • Percentage of Frozen Frames rendered: Percentage of frames taking more than 700 ms to render.
  • No. of ANRs detected: User interaction blocked for >= 5s.

Impact on user experience

Users expect smooth and natural interactions during app usage. The smoothness of image and text rendering is a vital factor that impacts users’ perception of app quality. It’s essential to prevent jank and sluggishness when drawing to the screen to provide a top-notch user experience.

A poor experience in rendering can cause users to rate apps poorly in the Play Store or abandon the app altogether.

Threshold guidelines

Recommended thresholds are:

  • Percentage of slow frames in a session <= 25% of overall frames rendered
  • Percentage of frozen frames in a session <= 0.1% of overall frames rendered
  • Zero ANRs in a session


The following are the recommendations to improve UI Rendering Performance:

  • Optimize layout hierarchy: Simplify your app’s layout by avoiding nested and redundant layouts. Use lightweight views wherever possible and avoid overdraw.
  • Optimize image loading: Efficiently load images with techniques like lazy loading and caching. Never load images synchronously on the main thread.
  • Move expensive operations: Avoid UI freezes by moving CPU-intensive or network operations off the main thread.
  • Offload heavy tasks: Execute long-running tasks such as network requests, disk I/O, and image processing on a separate thread to prevent UI freezing.
  • Use hardware acceleration: Improve rendering performance by utilizing hardware features such as GPU rendering, hardware layers, and acceleration.

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