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iOS Network Usage

The Network Usage metric measures the amount of data the app uploads and downloads (in Kb) through the network during a session.

Impact on user experience

Excessive network usage by an iOS app can lead to a poor user experience by causing slow response times, network timeouts, and reduced battery life. It can also result in the user exceeding their data plan, leading to unexpected charges. To avoid these issues, it is important to optimize network usage and minimize unnecessary network requests.

Threshold guidelines

Recommended thresholds are:

  • Total Network Uploads to be < 5000 Kb in a session
  • Total Network Downloads to be < 20,000 Kb in a session


The following are the recommendations to improve Network Usage:

  • Minimize network requests: Minimize the number of network requests by batching requests, caching responses, and combining requests where possible.
  • Optimize request payloads: Optimize the size and content of network request payloads by compressing data and removing unnecessary data fields.
  • Use background fetch and push notifications: Use background fetch and push notifications to update app content in the background and reduce the need for frequent network requests.
  • Use NSURLSession for network requests: Use NSURLSession for network requests as it offers more control over network requests, can prioritize requests, and supports background transfers.
  • Implement retry logic for failed requests: Implement retry logic for failed network requests to ensure that requests are retried after a certain time interval or when the network connection is available again.

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