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Integrate BrowserStack Automate with CircleCI

Learn how to integrate CircleCI with the BrowserStack device cloud to run all your Playwright tests.


CircleCI uses .circleci/config.yml for configuration, and it can be used to integrate your tests with BrowserStack. For successful integration, you need to set important variables such as, grid config, username, access key, and so on.

In this guide, you will learn how to:

  • Integrate CircleCI with your existing Playwright test suite
  • Integrate CircleCI to test your locally hosted websites
Note: This document assumes that you have already integrated a git repository hosting service (GitHub or BitBucket)

Integrate existing test cases

With existing test cases, integrating BrowserStack involves editing your test cases to add BrowserStack capabilities, credentials, and remote URL.

Though your existing test scripts include capabilities, BrowserStack expects specific capabilities such as browser version, that help determine how tests are run.

Project Setup

  1. Log in to CircleCI.
  2. Choose the desired repository, and click Set Up Project. circle ci project setup page
  3. Select Add Config (or Use Existing Config). This creates a new branch in your project named circleci-project-setup.
  4. The ‘.circleci/config.yml’ file will be created in the project’s root directory. To create the YML file, refer the CircleCI Language Guide.
  5. Update your config.yml as per your project requirements. Following is an example configuration which can be used to run your Playwright tests:
     version: 2.1
           - image:
         working_directory: ~/app
           - checkout
           - run: npm i -D @playwright/test
           - run: npx playwright install chrome
           - run:
               name: "Run the test on BrowserStack"
               command: npx playwright test --config=./playwright.config.js
           - build
  6. Navigate to the CircleCR dashboard once your pipeline runs successfully. You will see that the build has passed. circle ci build status page

  7. V iew the executed test results on the BrowserStack Automate Dashboard.

Set the variables

BrowserStack recommends you encrypt variables like username and access key. CircleCI enables the user to secure environment variables via their web interface. This functionality allows you to keep the contents of the secure variable private.

The key-value pairs are set in the project settings, which can be found under Project Settings, in the Environment variables section. Here you can add the variables as BROWSERSTACK_USERNAME and BROWSERSTACK_ACCESS_KEY circle ci environment variables

Public environment variables can be set directly through circle.yml under environment.

Following is a sample configuration for the circle.yml file:


Test your locally hosted websites

Use BrowserStack Local Testing to test your web applications hosted on private, development, and internal servers. With the BrowserStack Local Testing binary, you can create a secure, private connection between the BrowserStack and your internal servers.

While testing on development or staging environments, you can do the following:

  • Configure CircleCI to automatically download the latest version of the BrowserStack Local binary.
  • Instantiate the binary before your test starts.
  • Enable Local Testing by setting the capability browserstack.local to true in your test script.

Refer the sample code below:

version: 2.1
      - image:
    working_directory: ~/app
      - checkout
      - run: npm i extract-zip
      - run: npm i -D @playwright/test
      - run: npx playwright install chrome
      - run:
          name: Download BrowserStack Local binary, start the binary and run the test.
          command: |
            wget ""
            npx extract-zip
            ./BrowserStackLocal $BROWSERSTACK_ACCESS_KEY --daemon start
            npx playwright test --config=./playwright.config.js
            ./BrowserStackLocal --key $BROWSERSTACK_ACCESS_KEY --daemon stop
      - build
Note: Check out the various flags for BrowserStack Local.

You can initiate a local testing instance directly from your code. Here, you’ll need to start a local testing instance before the test starts and stop the instance once the test is completed. For this, you will need to install the browserstack-local node package and import it in your code to create a BrowserStackLocal instance.

Make sure that you have set the browserstack.local capability to true.

You can start and stop a local testing instance through language bindings.

Note: Check out how to test private websites using Playwright.
  "connection_settings": {
    "local": true,
    "local_identifier": <your-local-identifier-string>

Upon completing these configurations, you should be able to run Playwright tests on your locally hosted websites on BrowserStack Automate.

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