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Test your local folders containing HTML files

Learn how to test your local folders containing HTML files with Local Testing.

Local Testing enables you to test your local folders containing HTML files of your website on Live, without hosting your website internally or locally.


Ensure that Local Testing is set up. For steps, see Setup Local Testing.

Enable local folder testing

To enable folder testing, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Local Console (http://localhost:45454/).
    Alternatively, you can click the Local icon on your system tray or the top bar menu. And, then click Options.
  2. On the Tunnel Settings panel, click Show More. Click the Show more link
  3. In the Folder Testing field, enter the absolute path to the local folder that you want to test. Then, click Update. Enter folder path
    A local folder URL is generated and displayed below the text field. Copy this local folder URL.
    Folder Testing

To enable folder testing, you need to establish the Local Testing connection with the --folder flag and the absolute path of your HTML file.

To enable folder testing, follow these steps:

  1. Open your command-line window.
  2. Change the directory to the directory where the BrowserStackLocal binary is saved.
  3. Run the following command on your command-line window:
Copy icon Copy


  • YOUR_ACCESS_KEY is your account access key. You can find it on your account’s Settings page.
  • ABSOLUTE_PATH_TO_HTML_FILE is the absolute path to the HTML file you want to test.

After you run the command, a local folder URL is generated. Copy the generated local folder URL. Local folder URL generated

This local folder URL can only be accessed by BrowserStack remote machines. The format of the local folder URL is as follows:

You can also find your local folder URL on your account’s settings page. On this page, under the Local Testing section, your local folder URL is displayed.
Local Folder URL

Test your local folder

To test your local folder, follow these steps:

  1. In your browser, open the Live dashboard.
  2. Select the device-browser combination to launch a Live session.
    BrowserStackLocal might request your permission to access the files in your folder. Click OK to allow.
  3. In your Live session, paste the copied local folder URL in the remote browser’s address bar. Paste the copied local folder URL in the remote browser’s address bar

You can now continue testing your local folder.

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