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IE mode on Edge browser

Learn how to use the Edge browser’s Internet Explorer mode to test your websites in BrowserStack Automate.

Some websites are designed to run with Internet Explorer and have features that are not supported by current browsers such as Microsoft Edge. You can use Internet Explorer Mode in Microsoft Edge to access one of these sites.

The following table explains the OS and Browser compatibility for using the IE mode:

OS Edge Version Selenium Version IE Version
Windows 11 80+ 4.0.0+ 11
Windows 10 80+ 4.0.0+ 11
Windows 8.1 80 to 109 4.0.0+ 11
Windows 7 80 to 109 4.0.0+ 11
  • This feature is supported from Selenium version 4 and higher. If the Selenium version is set lower than 4.x, your tests will fail.
  • This feature is supported exclusively with Internet Explorer version 11. It is not supported on other browsers.

Enable Internet Explorer Mode

If you are using BrowserStack SDK, you can set the following capabilities in the browserstack.yml file:

Capabilities Expected values
ie.edgechromium Set true to enable IE mode

This capability needs to be specifically declared within se:ieOptions:.
edgeVersion 80+ for Windows 10 & Windows 11

80 to 109 for Windows 8.1 & Windows 7

This is an optional capability.
If the edgeVersion capability is not specifically mentioned, the latest supported Edge version is selected.
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BrowserStack SDK is a plug-n-play solution that takes care of all the integration steps for you. Using the BrowserStack SDK is the recommended integration method for your project. To know more, visit the SDK core concepts page.

For legacy integration set the following capabilities in your test script:

Capabilities Expected values
ie.edgechromium Set true to enable IE mode

This capability needs to be specifically declared within se:ieOptions:.
edgeVersion 80+ for Windows 10 & Windows 11

80 to 109 for Windows 8.1 & Windows 7

This is an optional capability.
If the edgeVersion capability is not specifically mentioned, the latest supported Edge version is selected.
MutableCapabilities capabilities = new MutableCapabilities();
capabilities.setCapability("browserName", "IE");
HashMap<String, Object> browserstackOptions = new HashMap<String, Object>();
browserstackOptions.put("os", "Windows");
browserstackOptions.put("osVersion", "10");
browserstackOptions.put("browserVersion", "11.0");
browserstackOptions.put("edgeVersion", "115.0");
capabilities.setCapability("bstack:options", browserstackOptions);
InternetExplorerOptions ieOptions = new InternetExplorerOptions();
capabilities.setCapability("se:ieOptions", ieOptions);
var capabilities = {
	'bstack:options': {
      "os" : "windows",
      "osVersion": 10,
      "seleniumVersion": "4.8.0",
      "browserVersion": 11,
      "edgeVersion": 115,
      "ie": {
        driver: "4.0.0",
      browser: "internet explorer",
      "buildName": "IEMode Compat NetworkLogs",
      networkLogs: true,
      edgeVersion: "118.0"
    browserName: "internet explorer",
    'se:ieOptions': {
      'ie.edgechromium': true,
InternetExplorerOptions capabilities = new InternetExplorerOptions();
Dictionary<string, object> browserstackOptions = new Dictionary<string, object>();
browserstackOptions.Add("os", "Windows");
browserstackOptions.Add("osVersion", "10");
browserstackOptions.Add("browserVersion", "11.0");
browserstackOptions.Add("edgeVersion", "115");
browserstackOptions.Add("browserName", "IE");
capabilities.AddAdditionalOption("bstack:options", browserstackOptions);
var ieOptions = new InternetExplorerOptions();
ieOptions.AttachToEdgeChrome = true;
capabilities.AddAdditionalOption("se:ieOptions", ieOptions);
$caps = array(
	'bstack:options' => {
		"platformName" => "Windows",
		"osVersion" => "11",
		"ie.edgechromium" => "true"
	"browserName" => "IE",
	"browserVersion" => "11",
	"edgeVersion" => "115",
	"se:ieOptions" => {
        "ie.edgechromium" => true,
desired_cap = {
	'bstack:options' : {
		"platformName" : "Windows",
		"osVersion" : "11",
		"ie.edgechromium" : "true"
	"browserName" : "IE",
	"browserVersion" : "11",
	"edgeVersion" : "115",
	"se:ieOptions" : {
        "ie.edgechromium" : "true",
capabilities = {
	'bstack:options' => {
		"platformName" => "Windows",
		"osVersion" => "11",
	"browserName" => "IE",
	"browserVersion" => "11",
	"edgeVersion" => "115",
    "se:ieOptions" => {
        "ie.edgechromium" => true,

For legacy integration set the following capabilities in your test script:

Capabilities Expected values
ie.edgechromium Set true to enable IE mode

This capability needs to be specifically declared within se:ieOptions:.
browserstack.edgeVersion 80+ for Windows 10 & Windows 11

80 to 109 for Windows 8.1 & Windows 7

This is an optional capability.
If the edgeVersion capability is not specifically mentioned, the latest supported Edge version is selected.
DesiredCapabilities caps = new DesiredCapabilities();
caps.setCapability("os", "Windows");
caps.setCapability("os_version", "10");
caps.setCapability("browser", "IE");
caps.setCapability("browser_version", "11.0");
caps.setCapability("browserstack.edgeVersion", "115");
InternetExplorerOptions ieOptions = new InternetExplorerOptions();
capabilities.setCapability("se:ieOptions", ieOptions);
var capabilities = {
  "os" : "Windows",
  "os_version" : "10",
  "browserName" : "IE",
  "browser_version" : "11.0",
  "browserstack.edgeVersion" : "115",
  "se:ieOptions": {
    "ie.edgechromium": true,
InternetExplorerOptions capability = new InternetExplorerOptions();
capability.AddAdditionalCapability("os", "Windows", true);
capability.AddAdditionalCapability("os_version", "10", true);
capability.AddAdditionalCapability("browser", "IE", true);
capability.AddAdditionalCapability("browser_version", "11.0", true);
capability.AddAdditionalCapability("browserstack.edgeVersion", "115", true);
var ieOptions = new InternetExplorerOptions();
ieOptions.AttachToEdgeChrome = true;
capabilities.AddAdditionalOption("se:ieOptions", ieOptions);
$caps["os"] = "windows"
$caps["os_version"] = '11'
$caps["browser"] = "IE"
$caps["browser_version"] = "11"
$caps["browserstack.edgeVersion"] = "115"
$caps["se:ieOptions"] = {"ie.edgechromium" => "true"}
caps["os"] = "windows"
caps["os_version"] = '11'
caps["browser"] = "IE"
caps["browser_version"] = "11"
caps["browserstack.edgeVersion"] = "115"
caps["se:ieOptions"] = {"ie.edgechromium" => "true"}
caps["os"] = "windows"
caps["os_version"] = '11'
caps["browser"] = "IE"
caps["browser_version"] = "11"
caps["se:ieOptions"] = {"ie.edgechromium" => "true"}

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