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Manage Authentication

Manage your Login and Security on BrowserStack

BrowserStack supports multiple authentication protocols for securing your or your organisations account.

What all authentication methods are supported by BrowserStack

BrowserStack supports three kind of authentication for an account:

  1. Password based Authentication
  2. Login via Google
  3. Single Sign-On (SSO)
Note: Single Sign-On (SSO) is an Enterprise Feature. Learn more about Enterprise plans.

How to identify my accounts authentication

User can check the authentication their account is using by:

  1. Visit Summary Section in BrowserStack
  2. Under Login & Security check the Linked Account details
    • Email implies account is using password for sign-in
    • Google implies account is using login with Google for sign-in
    • SSO implies account is using SSO authentication for sign-in


How to change authentication method in BrowserStack

Authentication can be changed in your browserstack account using multiple methods:

To change from Password to Login with Google authentication method, perform the following steps:

  1. Signout from the current BrowserStack session


  2. Visit the Sign-in page
  3. Click on Sign in with Google and select your google email account registered with browserstack
Note: Sign-in going forward will redirect to Sign in with Google when your email address is entered

To change from Password to Single Sign-On (SSO), Organisation Owner on Enterprise plan needs to perform the steps mentioned in [Documentation] (/docs/enterprise/single-sign-on)

To change from Login with Google to Password authentication method, perform the following steps:

  1. Visit Summary Section in BrowserStack

  2. Click on Edit icon next to Login and Security section


  3. Select Disconnect google account on the opened modal

    GAuth edit

  4. Click update Login and confirm on the next screen.

Note: User will be redirected to Forget password flow post Disconnect Google Account. User needs to enter registered email to get reset password for the account.

To change from Login with Google to Single Sign-On (SSO), Organisation Owner on Enterprise plan needs to perform the steps mentioned in [Documentation] (/docs/enterprise/single-sign-on)

To change from Single Sign On (SSO) to other authentication methods, perform the following steps:

  1. Organisation Owner need to disconnect SSO from the Settings and Permissions section
  2. Post this, all users will get signed-out of their account
  3. Users can use
    • Sign in with Google option on Sign-in page to use Google account for Authentication
    • Forget Password option on Sign-in page and set Password for Authentication

How to update Email associated with BrowserStack

Users can update the email associated with BrowserStack by performing following steps:

  1. Visit Summary Section in BrowserStack
  2. Click on Edit icon next to Login and Security section


  3. Update the new Email address in the modal


  4. Enter current password to confirm changes and click Update login
Note: In case of Login with Google enabled account, updating email will result in disconnecting google account and redirect to reseting password with new email address

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