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Ignore Regions

Identify regions on a snapshot that you want to ignore in the comparison.

A snapshot may contain an area that you don’t want to appear as a change, even if the images differ. For example, this may occur if you have a random date generator in a test. For each test run, the date varies, but you don’t want to be notified of the changes. In this case, you can utilize the Ignored regions feature.

Check out the video below to get an overview of how to include ignore regions:

How to Include Regions to Ignore

  • To enter “Ignored regions edit mode”, click the ignored regions button above a snapshot.

Ignore regions button

  • You will then see an overlay on your snapshot with an editable box. Drag and resize the box to surround the region you would like to ignore. You can add new regions by clicking the “+” button at the top-right of the screen. Each region you draw applies to the browser-width combination you are working on.

Overlay and plus button

  • To apply a region across all browsers, you must draw a rectangle on the snapshot for each browser.
  • You can have up to 10 regions per browser-width combination.

Saving and Branch Strategy Selection

  • After editing your regions, click Save at the top-right. Then, choose the branch strategy you want for your regions. A pop-up will appear, prompting you to apply the regions to either the current branch or all branches.

Save options

  • All branches - If selected, the drawn regions will apply to all branches in your project.

  • This branch only - If selected, the drawn regions will apply to builds with the current branch name, not to builds on other branches.

Your baseline management strategy is automatically respected whether you are using Git or the visual Git workflow.

For subsequent builds, any differences occurring behind the specified ignored regions will be disregarded, displaying as grey rectangles on the snapshot.

Region information

  • The drawn regions display a yellow “yield” icon, indicating they are not yet applied but will be applied to following builds (on the current branch or all branches depending on the chosen branch strategy).

Ignore regions - Yellow Yield icon

  • To find out when an ignored region was created, who created it, or what the first build for it was, enter ignored region edit mode, and click the region. This action pops up a dialog showing relevant information.

Ignore regions - Region Info

Deleting regions

To delete a region, on a snapshot with ignored regions, click the ignored region edit button. Then, click the region you want to delete and click the red trash icon to remove the region. This deletion does not apply to the current build but applies to all subsequent builds.

Ignore regions - Delete Regions

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