$ percy build:wait [options]
-b, --build <id> Build ID
-p, --project <slug> Build project slug, requires '--commit'
-c, --commit <sha> Build commit sha, requires '--project'
-t, --timeout <ms> Timeout before exiting without updates, defaults to 10 minutes
-i, --interval <ms> Interval at which to poll for updates, defaults to 10 second
-f, --fail-on-changes Exit with an error when diffs are found
--pass-if-approved Doesn't Exit with an error if the build is approved, requires '--fail-on-changes'
Global options:
-v, --verbose Log everything
-q, --quiet Log errors only
-s, --silent Log nothing
-h, --help Display command help
$ percy build:wait --build 2222222
$ percy build:wait --project org/project --commit HEAD
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