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Multi-module apps

To test your native and hybrid multi-module apps on BrowserStack using Espresso, upload your app and test suite together in the .apk format to BrowserStack servers.

Upload an app

POST /app-automate/espresso/v2/module-app

Upload the .apk file of your module, which contains your app and test suite, for multi-module testing, by using any of the following options:

Request parameters


-X POST "" \
-F "file=@/path/to/app/file/application-module.apk" \
  • file File

    File to upload. Ensure that the request’s content type is set to multipart/form-data. In cURL, you can do this using -F option. Either file or url parameter is required.

  • url String

    Remote URL to your app. Ensure that its a publicly accessible URL as BrowserStack will attempt to download the app from this location. Either file or url parameter is required.

Response attributes 200 application/json


    "module_name": "application-module.apk",
    "module_url": "bs://c8ddcb5649a8280ca800075bfd8f151115bba6b3",
    "module_id": "c8ddcb5649a8280ca800075bfd8f151115bba6b3",
    "uploaded_at": "2020-05-05 14:52:54 UTC",
    "expiry" : "2020-06-05 14:52:54 UTC",
    "framework": "module"
  • module_name String

    Filename of the uploaded module.

  • module_url String

    Unique identifier returned upon successful upload of your module on BrowserStack. This value can be used later to specify the module/testSuite for your Espresso test execution.
    Example: bs://c8ddcb5649a8280ca800075bfd8f151115bba6b3

  • module_id String

    Unique identifier returned upon successful upload of your module on BrowserStack.
    Example: c8ddcb5649a8280ca800075bfd8f151115bba6b3

  • uploaded_at String

    App upload timestamp.

  • expiry String

    By default, an uploaded app expires in 30 days. Upon expiry, the uploaded app is deleted from BrowserStack servers and thus can no longer be tested.

  • framework String

    This is a static value used by Browserstack internally to identify multi-module app testing.

Execute a build

POST /app-automate/espresso/v2/module-build

Start the execution of a new build on BrowserStack. While making a request, you must specify the test suite, as well as a list of devices to execute your tests on. In addition, you can specify a number of other parameters to customise test execution. Every build has a unique build_id associated with it. This is returned in the response to this endpoint.

Request parameters


-X POST "" \
-d '{"testSuite": "bs://89c874f21852ba57957a3fdc33f47514288c4ba1","project" : "Multi-module" "devices": ["Samsung Galaxy S20-10.0","Google Pixel 3-9.0"]}' \
-H "Content-Type: application/json"
  • testSuite* String

    Specify the module url. Use module_url of a previously uploaded module. This is the value returned when the combined apk is uploaded to Browserstack.

  • devices* Array

    List of devices to execute your tests on. Learn more about selecting devices
    Example: ['Samsung Galaxy S8-7.0', 'Google Pixel 3-10.0']

  • shards Object

    Split an Espresso test-suite into multiple shards and execute them in parallel.

    • numberOfShards* Integer

      The total number of shards to split the test-suite into.

    • deviceSelection String

      Specify if a shard should run on all specified devices (using devices parameter) or on only one random device.

      Possible Value Description
      all Each shard will run on all specified devices. Thus, the total number of parallel tests required for test execution will be equal to (numberOfShards * number of specified devices). This is default behaviour.
      any Each shard will run on any one random device. Thus, the total number of parallel tests required for test execution will be equal to (numberOfShards)
    • mapping Array

      Details of how test sharding should be handled. Each shard should have its corresponding mapping. This is optional parameter - if mapping is not provided, we will handle test sharding automatically.

      • name* String

        Unique identifier for each shard.
        Example: 0, 1

      • strategy* String

        Strategy used to shard. The possible values:

        Possible Value Description
        class Allows you to define a list of test classes to be executed in a particular shard.
        package Allows you to define a list of test packages to be executed in a particular shard.
        annotation Allows you to run tests in a shard based on test annotations.
        size Allows you to run tests in a shard based on test size annoations (E.g. SmallTest, MediumTest, LargeTest).
      • values* Array

        Class/Package/Annotation/Size values depending on the type of strategy selected.
        Example: ["", ""] for class strategy.

  • project String

    Unique identifier to logically group multiple builds together. Only letters (A-Z, a-z), digits (0-9), periods (.), colons (:) and underscores (_) are allowed. Any other characters are ignored.

  • class String

    Filter test cases by selected classes in the test-suite. Specify a list of fully qualified Java class name(s).
    Example: ["", ""]

  • package String

    Filter test cases by selected packages in the test-suite. Specify a list of fully qualified Java package name(s).
    Example: [""]

  • annotation String

    Filter test cases by selected annotations in the test-suite. Specify a list of fully qualified annotation(s).
    Example: [""]

  • size String

    Filter test cases of specific test size i.e tests annotated with @SmallTest, @MediumTest or @LargeTest in the test-suite. Specify a list of test size values (small/medium/large).
    Example: ["small", "medium"]

  • singleRunnerInvocation String

    Execute all test cases together with a single test runner invocation. By default, its set to false. Learn more about singleRunnerInvocation API

  • callbackURL String

    Specify a callback URL to enable BrowserStack to notify you upon the completion of your build.

  • projectNotifyURL String

    Specify a callback URL to enable BrowserStack to notify you upon the completion of all builds under the given project. You will receive a callback if no new builds triggered for 5 mins and all existing builds have finished execution.

    Note: Set this parameter along with the ​project​ parameter.

  • networkLogs Boolean

    Capture network logs (data such as network traffic, latency, HTTP requests and responses in the HAR format) for your test execution. By default, its set to false.

  • deviceLogs Boolean

    Capture device logs (system logs specific to your application generated by Android) for your test execution. By default, its set to false.

  • enableSpoonFramework Boolean

    Capture screenshots using the Spoon framework.

  • debugscreenshots Boolean

    Capture screenshots using App Automate’s native screenshot feature. Check out the espresso-browserstack sample repository for more details on using the native screenshot feature.

  • video Boolean

    Enable or disable video recording for your test execution. By default, its set to true.

  • gpsLocation String

    Simulate the location of the device to specific GPS coordinates. Specify latitude followed by longitude. Learn more about gpsLocation API.
    Example: 40.730610,-73.935242

  • geoLocation String

    Test your app behavior from different countries using IP geolocation. Specify the two letter country code. Learn more about geoLocation API.
    Example: CN for China, FR for France.

  • networkProfile String

    Simulate different network conditions while testing your app.
    Example: 2g-gprs-good, 2g-gprs-lossy. View the list of supported network profiles.

  • customNetwork String

    Simulate custom network condition while testing your app. Specify download speed (kbps), upload speed (kbps), latency (ms), packet loss (%).
    Example: 1000, 1000, 100, 1

  • language String

    Set the language of the app under test.
    Example: fr (for French)

  • locale String

    Set locale to test the localized version of your app.
    Example: fr_CA (for French-Canada)

  • appStoreConfiguration Object

    Set credentials for Google account login. You need to pass:

    Possible Value Description
    username Username of your Google account
    password Password of your Google account

    Example: {"username":"","password":"xyz@123"}

  • deviceOrientation Boolean

    Set the screen orientation of the mobile device. Specify portrait or landscape. By default, its set to portrait .

  • acceptInsecureCerts Boolean

    Set this parameter to true to avoid invalid certificate errors while using self-signed certificate to test your app. By default, its set to false.

  • uploadMedia Array

    Set this parameter if you want to use your uploaded images or videos during test execution. Specify a list of media_url for previously uploaded images or video. Learn more about uploadMedia API.

  • local Boolean

    Enable Local Testing for App Automate. With Local Testing enabled, test apps that retrieve data from servers on your local machine or other private network configurations.

  • localIdentifier Boolean

    If you are using the same account to test multiple applications, you can set up a named connection using the localIdentifier option. Example: Test123

  • idleTimeout Boolean

    Use this parameter to specify the maximum time limit for which your test execution can remain idle. If it exceeds this threshold, your build status will change to timed out. Accepted range of values are between 60 seconds to 900 seconds. By default, its set to 900 seconds.

  • clearPackageData Boolean

    Use this parameter to clear app data after every test run. Check out the clear app data guide to learn more.

  • buildTag String

    Unique identifier to tag builds. Only letters (A-Z, a-z), digits (0-9), periods (.), colons (:) and underscores (_) are allowed. Any other characters are ignored.
    Example: Reg

Response attributes 200 application/json


    "message": "Success",
    "build_id": "5c5ab4338cec13aeb78f7a6977344556ac00bccd6"
  • message String

    Status of the request.

  • build_id String

    A unique identifier for your test execution.
    Example: 5c5ab4338cec13aeb78f7a6977344556ac00bccd6

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