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Run RSpec Tests in Parallel

On BrowserStack, you can run multiple RSpec tests at the same time across various browser, device, and OS combinations. This is “Parallel Testing”. Parallel Testing gives you the same benefits as running a multi-threaded application and helps you reduce the run time of your test suite, resulting in faster build times and faster releases.

To run tests on multiple browsers in parallel with RSpec on BrowserStack Automate, follow the below steps:

  1. Clone the rspec-browserstack repo on GitHub(if not already done):

     git clone
     cd rspec-browserstack
  2. Install the dependencies using the following command (if not already done):

     bundle install
  3. Update parallel.config.yml file within the rspec-browserstack/config/ directory with your BrowserStack credentials as shown below:

     server: ""
     user: "YOUR_USERNAME"
     key: "YOUR_ACCESS_KEY"
       "browserstack.debug": true
       "name": "Bstack-[Rspec] Parallel Test"
         "browser": "chrome"
         "browser": "firefox"
         "browser": "internet explorer"
         "browser": "safari"
  4. Capabilities for each environment can be customized. You can generate custom capabilities for your tests using our capability builder. For example:

       "browserstack.debug": true
       "name": "Bstack-[Rspec] Parallel Test"
       "build": "My custom build name goes here"
       "resolution": "1920x1080"
         "browser": "chrome"
         "browser_version": "latest"
         "os": "Windows"
         "os_version": "10"
         "browser": "firefox"
         "browser_version": "latest-beta"
         "os": "Windows"
         "os_version": "10"
         "device": "iPhone 12 Pro"
         "real_mobile": "true"
         "os": "iPhone"
         "browser": "safari"
         "real_mobile": "true"
         "os": "Android"
  5. You can now run your tests in parallel on BrowserStack using the following command:

     bundle exec rake parallel
Note: Achieve your test coverage and build execution time goals by using our calculator to understand how many parallel sessions you need.

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