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DATA_INCORRECT:3003 error in the BrowserStack Binary

Explanation and next steps

Error Code 3003
Fatal Yes, this is an error that the Binary can’t auto-recover from, and the process will exit with exit code 127.
Class Meaning This class of errors arises by provided incorrect critical information to the BrowserStack Binary.
Message(s) [ERROR] Local identifier can only be an alphanumeric string without special characters like ?, /, or whitespace
[ERROR] Please rename your identifier and try again
Error Meaning A “local identifier“ is a named instance of a BrowserStack Binary’s execution. This allows you to specify which instance of the Binary to use (if you’re running multiple in parallel) for a given test by supplying the identifier as an automate capability.

The field only accepts alphanumeric inputs, with no special characters.
Mitigation Steps You can do one of the following:

* Remove any non-alphanumeric characters from the string and try again
* If you don’t think you need to use a local identifier, then you can drop the flag altogether

Note: In the latter case, if you are already running a Binary with no local identifier when you do this, this will close the previous instance of the Binary as only one can run at a time without supplying a uniquer local identifier.

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