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Manage Ownership

Manage ownership of your Organisation

An owner of an Organization on BrowserStack, is the member that has purchased the subscription. An owner has all privileges which include buying, upgrading, downgrading and cancelling subscriptions, modifying product access privileges, inviting and removing members from an Organization, and changing member roles.

Who can transfer Ownership of the Organisation

The owner has the ability to transfer ownership of organisation to someone else.

Note: In case Owner of the organisation has left the firm or is not available, reach out to for transfering the ownership

How to transfer Ownership of the Organisation

Owner might require to transfer ownership of the organisation in following scenario:

  1. Transfer Ownership to existing members of the organisation
  2. Transfer Ownership to an individual who is not part of the organisation
  3. Transfer Ownership when the organisation has only one license
  1. Login to your BrowserStack account.
  2. Post logging into BrowserStack, access the Summary page.
  3. Visit the Ownership Transfer Section and click on the Transfer Ownership button.


  4. Select new Owner from the members of your organization using search by email.Select new owner from dropdown


  5. Click on the Transfer Ownership button and Confirm button to transfer the ownership.


  1. Login into your BrowserStack account.
  2. Invite the user to your organisation by following steps in Manage Invitations
  3. Once the user accepts the invite, go to the Summary page.
  4. Visit the Ownership Transfer Section and click on the Transfer Ownership button.


  5. Select new Owner from the members of your organisation using search by email.


  6. Click on the Transfer Ownership button and Confirm button to transfer the ownership.


  1. Login into your BrowserStack account.
  2. Remove your product license by following steps in Manage Product Access
  3. Invite the user to your organisation by following steps in Manage Invitations
  4. Once the user accepts the invite, go to the Summary page.
  5. Visit the Ownership Transfer Section and click on the Transfer Ownership button.


  6. Select new Owner from the members of your organisation using search by email.


  7. Click on the Transfer Ownership button and Confirm button to transfer the ownership.


What happens after Transfering Ownership

Ownership transfer is immediate and cannot be undo by previous owner. After ownership if transfered:

  1. Previous Owner’s role changes to Admin
  2. New Owner’s role will change to Owner and will get all the respective permissions
Note: If Auto User Provisioning is enabled for your organization, User can be added and managed from the organization’s Identity Provider or User Management depending on the settings.

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