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Error - Incorrect project token

Learn how to fix errors related to incorrect project token in Percy

The incorrect project token error occurs when there is a mismatch in the project token type and the Percy product/service.

Here’s a list of the possible scenarios:

Scenario 1:

You are using a project token from a Percy Web project, while attempting to use Percy with Automate or App Percy. Percy Web projects utilize the Percy snapshot command, whereas Percy with Automate and App Percy use the Percy screenshot command.

App Percy project tokens are prefixed with app_ , for example: app_<token_sha>), and Percy with Automate project tokens are prefixed with auto_, for example: auto_<token_sha>).

Scenario 2:

If you are using the Percy snapshot command with Percy with Automate or App Percy, ensure you are using the correct token type. Percy Web projects require tokens prefixed with web_, for example: web_<token_sha>.

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