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Timeouts for Espresso test cases(which are in the running state) on BrowserStack may happen for 2 reasons:

  1. Idle Timeout: The test case was idle for 15 mins. It means that the app did not receive any new command from the test.
  2. Session limit reached: The session got timed out (by BrowserStack) because it exceeded the maximum allowed 2 hour limit.

Idle timeout

In order to prevent tests from running too long in case something has gone wrong, BrowserStack limits how long a test can remain idle or how long can the app wait for a test to send a new command. This is set to 900 seconds by default. However, you can adjust this limit as per your requirement. The value of this setting is in seconds.

In order to specify the custom idle timeout value, you need to pass the idleTimeout parameter in the REST API request to start Espresso test execution.

REST API endpoint:

 POST /app-automate/espresso/v2/build
Parameter Description Value
idleTimeout Set this parameter to specify the maximum time limit for which your tests can remain idle. Accepted values are between 60 sec to 900 sec.
Default: 900.

Example cURL request :

-X POST "" \
-d '{"idleTimeout": 180, "devices": ["Samsung Galaxy S8-7.0"], "app": "bs://f5L3azt9pLzE995f49376eb1fa3c284dc321f8d", "testSuite": "bs://6eb1fa3c284ddbe9971b2d1aee0d52943b9c081"}' \
-H "Content-Type: application/json"

Session limit reached

The maximum duration for which the session execution is allowed on BrowserStack is 2 hours. If this time limit is exceeded, the session execution will be stopped, changing the session status to TIMED OUT on the dashboard.

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