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Home Guide Understanding Test Closure Report

Understanding Test Closure Report

By Sandra Felice, Community Contributor -

QA professionals assess a testing process’s effectiveness through a Test Closure Report. It compiles detailed test data like test cases, plans, suites, and other testing information to enhance analysis and identify improvements for future projects.

This article delves into the significance of a Test Closure report within the testing development lifecycle and outlines the step-by-step process for crafting one.

What is the Test Closure?

Test closure refers to the final phase of the software testing process, where various activities are conducted to formally conclude the testing effort for a specific project or release. This phase includes tasks such as:

  • completing test execution, 
  • verifying defect resolution, 
  • organizing test documentation, 
  • preparing a test summary report, 
  • assessing overall quality, 
  • conducting lessons learned sessions, and 
  • obtaining formal approval from stakeholders. 

Test closure ensures that all testing activities are completed, documented, and approved before the software is released or deployed, contributing to improved quality and reliability.

Test Closer Reporting scaled

What is Test Closure Report?

A Test Closure Report is a document that outlines the final status of a testing project, including details such as: the testing activities completed, test results, defects identified and resolved, and any recommendations for future testing efforts.

It serves as a formal record of the testing process and outcomes, helping stakeholders assess the quality of the software and the effectiveness of the testing efforts.

Why is the Test Closure Report Important?

The Test Closure Report holds significant importance within the software testing process as it improves the quality and reliability of the software by:

  • Documentation of Testing Efforts: It serves as a comprehensive record of all testing activities, including test cases, plans, execution results, and defect reports. This documentation is crucial for audit purposes and future reference.
  • Evaluation of Testing Effectiveness: By analyzing the Test Closure Report, stakeholders can gain valuable insights into the effectiveness of the testing process. This includes understanding test coverage, defect density, test execution metrics, and overall quality levels.
  • Identifying Improvement Areas: The report helps identify areas where the testing process can be improved. This may include enhancing test coverage, refining test strategies, optimizing test automation, or addressing recurring issues.
  • Supports Decision Making: The information in the Test Closure Report aids stakeholders in making informed decisions about the software’s readiness for release or deployment. It provides a clear picture of the testing status and any outstanding risks or issues.
  • Formal Closure of Testing Phase: The test closure report signifies the formal closure of the testing phase of the project. This closure is important for transitioning to the next phase of the project, such as deployment or maintenance, with confidence in the quality of the software.
  • Communication with Stakeholders: Sharing the Test Closure Report with stakeholders promotes transparency and facilitates effective communication regarding the testing process, outcomes, and recommendations for improvement.

What are different Test Closure Activities in Software Testing?

In software testing, several activities are typically performed during the test closure phase to ensure that the testing process is concluded efficiently and effectively.

Some of the key test closure activities include:

  • Final Test Execution: Ensuring that all planned tests, including functional, non-functional, and regression tests, have been executed.
  • Defect Closure: Verifying that all reported defects have been fixed, retested, and confirmed for closure. Any unresolved issues and their status are documented.
  • Test Summary Report: Compiling a test summary report that provides an overview of testing activities, including test coverage, test execution results, defect metrics, and overall quality assessment.
  • Documentation Review: Reviewing and organizing all test-related documentation, such as test plans, test cases, test scripts, test data, and defect reports, to ensure completeness and accuracy.
  • Lessons Learned Session: Conducting a lessons learned session with the testing team to gather feedback, insights, and recommendations for process improvement. Document lessons learned and best practices.
  • Formal Closure: Obtaining formal approval and sign-off from stakeholders, including project managers, development teams, and quality assurance leads, indicating the completion of testing activities and readiness for release or deployment.
  • Archiving: Archiving all test artifacts, documentation, and reports in a central repository or document management system for future reference, audits, and compliance purposes.
  • Post-Release Support: Providing post-release support by monitoring the software in the production environment, addressing any critical issues or defects that may arise, and capturing feedback from end-users for continuous improvement.

Who and when performs Test Closure Activities?

Test closure activities are typically performed by various members of the project team involved in the testing phase. The timing of these activities occurs towards the end of the testing phase and may vary depending on the project schedule and specific requirements.

Here’s a breakdown of who performs test closure activities and when:

Test Team 

The core testing team, including test engineers, test leads, and quality assurance analysts, are primarily responsible for executing test closure activities. 

Test Team is involved in tasks such as: 

  • final test execution, 
  • defect retesting, 
  • test case cleanup, 
  • documentation review, and 
  • preparation of the test closure report. 

These activities are usually carried out once the test execution phase is complete and all testing objectives have been met.


Developers are key in test closure activities – addressing defects, and verifying fixes and its effectiveness by retesting alongside the test team throughout the testing phase.

Quality Assurance Leads 

QA leads or managers provide insights to the testing team during the test closure phase. They ensure that all test closure activities comply with established processes and standards to ensure quality and may review documentation and provide final approval. 

Project Managers: Project managers oversee the test closure process and ensure that all activities are completed according to the project schedule and quality standards. They may also participate in reviewing the test closure report and providing formal sign-off.

Stakeholders: Stakeholders, including business representatives, product owners, and clients, may be involved in reviewing the test closure report and providing feedback or approval. Their input during the project’s final review and acceptance phase ensures quality and alignment with the project objectives

Components of Test Closure Report

A test closure report typically consists of several key components that summarize the testing activities, outcomes, and lessons learned during the testing phase. While specific organizations may have variations in their test closure report formats, here are the common components you might find:

  1. Introduction: An overview of the purpose and scope of the Test Closure Report, including the project name, testing phase duration, and key objectives.
  2. Testing Activities Summary: Description of testing types conducted (e.g., unit testing, integration testing, system testing, acceptance testing), Test environment details (e.g., hardware, software, configurations), resources involved in testing (e.g., team members, tools)
  3. Test Results: Summary of test execution results, Number of test cases executed, passed, failed, and blocked, Test coverage metrics, Defect density metrics, Pass/fail rate, Any outstanding or unresolved defects
  4. Defect Summary: Metrics related to defects identified during testing, such as the total number of defects, severity levels, status (open, closed, retested), and defect density (defects per unit size).
  5. Testing Metrics: Assessment of the software’s quality based on test results, defect metrics, test coverage, and adherence to quality standards and requirements.
  6. Lessons Learned: Insights and recommendations gathered from the testing process, including areas of improvement, best practices, challenges faced, and strategies for future testing projects.
  7. Recommendations: Specific recommendations for improvement or corrective actions based on the lessons learned and assessment of the testing process.
  8. Conclusion: A concluding statement summarizing the key findings, recommendations, and overall assessment of the testing phase.
  9. Appendices (if applicable): Additional supporting documents or data related to the testing phase such as detailed test case results, defect reports, or test logs.
  10. Approval: Signatures or approvals from relevant stakeholders, indicating acceptance of the test closure report and its contents

By including these components in the test closure report, organizations can provide a comprehensive overview of the testing phase’s activities, outcomes, and recommendations, facilitating communication and decision-making among project stakeholders.

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How to create a Test Closure Report? 

Creating Test Closure Report using Test Observability 

Creating a Test Closure Report using BrowserStack Test Observability to gather and analyze data from the testing process. Below is the process step by step:

Step 1: Access Test Observability

Log in to your BrowserStack account and navigate to the Test Observability section.

Step 2: Select Project

Choose the project for which you want to create the Test Closure Report. Ensure that all relevant testing data, including test plans, test cases, and execution results, are available in the project.

Select Project to create Test Closure Report in Test Observability

Step 3: Generate Test Summary

Use BrowserStack’s reporting tools to generate a summary of testing activities, including the number of test cases executed, pass/fail rates, test coverage, and any outstanding test activities.

Generate Test Summary using Test Observability

Step 4: Defect Analysis

Analyze the unique defects identified during testing using BrowserStack’s defect tracking features.

Defect Analysis in Test Observability

Step 5: Test Coverage Insights

Utilize BrowserStack’s test coverage analysis tools to gain insights into test coverage across different browsers, devices, and operating systems. Identify areas of high coverage and any gaps that need attention.

Step 6: Customize Dashboards and Reports

Customize the Test Closure Report using BrowserStack’s customizable dashboards and reporting options. Create visually appealing graphs, charts, and tables to illustrate key metrics and insights.

Customize Dashboards and Report in Test Observability

Step 7: Collaboration and Review

Share the Test Closure Report with stakeholders within BrowserStack Test Observability. Collaborate with team members to review the report, gather feedback, and make revisions as needed.

Step 8: Finalize and Approve

Finalize the Test Closure Report based on feedback and approvals from stakeholders. Ensure that the report is accurate, comprehensive, and aligned with project objectives.

Step 9: Export and Distribute

Export the finalized Test Closure Report from BrowserStack Test Observability in your desired format (e.g., PDF, Excel) and distribute it to all relevant stakeholders.

Talk to an Expert

Why choose BrowserStack Test Observability for reporting?

BrowserStack Test Observability for reporting offers several advantages:

Understanding Test Closure Report

  • Comprehensive Testing Insights: It provides detailed insights into testing activities across various browsers, devices, and operating systems, including metrics on test execution results, pass/fail rates, test coverage, and performance data.
  • Real-time Monitoring: Teams can track testing progress and performance metrics in real time, enabling prompt issue identification and informed decision-making.
  • Cross-Browser and Cross-Device Testing: BrowserStack supports testing across different configurations, providing visibility into test results for compatibility and consistency.
  • Customizable Dashboards and Reports: It offers customizable interfaces for tailored reporting, allowing teams to focus on relevant metrics and insights.
  • Integration Capabilities: Seamlessly integrates with popular development and CI/CD tools, streamlining testing workflows and incorporating observability data.
  • Collaboration Features: Facilitates communication and teamwork among team members, enabling sharing of insights and collaboration on testing efforts.
  • Scalability: Designed to scale with growing teams and projects, accommodating diverse testing environments and requirements.
  • Security and Compliance: Prioritizes security and compliance with features like single sign-on (SSO), data encryption, and adherence to industry standards.

Try BrowserStack Test Observability

In summary, BrowserStack Test Observability is a robust platform offering comprehensive insights, real-time monitoring, customization, integration, collaboration, scalability, and security, making it an ideal choice for teams seeking to enhance their testing processes and decision-making capabilities.


In conclusion, the Test Closure Report is a pivotal component for the success of testing projects. It serves as a comprehensive record of the testing process, offering valuable insights into test executions and software performance. By evaluating the software’s quality and providing data-driven insights, the report facilitates informed decision-making and highlights areas for improvement in future projects.

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