Appium for Android

Elevate your Android app testing with Appium: the go-to open-source automation solution for flawless mobile application testing.
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Appium For Android

Experience automated tests across a vast real Android device cloud, ensuring optimal app performance in real-world conditions.

Mobile App Automation Testing

How does App Automate work for Appium Android Testing?

  • Login to BrowserStack App Automate.
  • Choose the test framework as Appium and select the preferred language (for example, Java)
  • If you have chosen Java, run a sample Java test build using your preferred method (Eclipse IDE, IntelliJ IDEA, CLI) on BrowserStack.
  • After successfully running your first test on BrowserStack, integrate your test suite with BrowserStack Read more.


Real Android Device Testing

Test your native and hybrid apps across a comprehensive selection of physical mobile and tablet devices, including latest versions of Samsung Galaxy, Pixel, Nexus, and more, ensuring wide coverage and real-world accuracy.

Seamless Integration with Testing Frameworks

Effortlessly integrate your testing suite with BrowserStack using Appium, Espresso, XCUITest, Flutter, or Detox, streamlining your workflow for maximum efficiency.

Quick Setup

Launch your test suites in minutes with an easy setup process, complemented by lightning-fast integration through the BrowserStack SDK.

Extensive Programming Language Support

Write your test scripts in a variety of languages, including Java, Node.js, Python, C#, and more, offering flexibility and convenience to your development team.

Comprehensive Native Device Feature Testing

Thoroughly test native device features such as Geolocation, Push Notifications, Pre-loaded images, Network Simulation, Test dependent apps, Google Pay, In-app purchases, Timezone, and the ability to upload custom media files.

Frontend Performance Testing

Obtain detailed insights into your app’s frontend performance, enabling you to enhance user experiences by identifying and rectifying potential bottlenecks.

Development Environment Testing

Utilize BrowserStack Local binary for effortless testing in your internal staging environments, establishing a secure connection to the BrowserStack cloud without hassle.

Gesture and Interaction Automation

Automate all user gestures and touch actions, including tap, swipe, scroll, and more, on remote devices to mimic real user interactions accurately.

Instant Debugging and Bug Fixing

Collaborate and debug efficiently with comprehensive logging tools, including selenium and telemetry logs, accessible to unlimited users within your organization.

Accelerated Test Execution

Speed up your testing process and ship quality releases faster by reducing build times significantly through parallel test execution on the BrowserStack cloud.

Uncompromised Security

Prioritize security with rigorous policies and secure server storage for all builds. Tests are conducted on tamper-proof physical devices, which are wiped clean after every session, adhering to Service Organization Control (SOC) 2 compliance standards.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Appium for Android

Automate Android app testing with Appium framework for streamlined quality assurance and performance.