Banco BV Elevates Test Experience & Quality with BrowserStack

Banco BV Elevates Test Experience & Quality with BrowserStack

Banking and ‎financial services
São Paulo, Brazil
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Ensuring the highest quality of user experience is paramount for business success today. This is especially true for banking and financial institutions, as user experience is directly related to building trust and brand loyalty among the bank’s customers.

Banco BV is one the largest banks in Brazil. The QA team’s commitment to quality and user experience led them to seek innovative solutions that could keep pace with the ever-evolving world of software and device releases.

Transitioning from an on-premise device farm, Banco BV embraced cloud-based testing on BrowserStack with the goal of not only improving test coverage but also streamlining their testing processes.

The challenge

Eliminating device limitations and maintenance hassles

Before adopting BrowserStack, Banco BV had its own on-premise device lab. However, maintaining and updating the device lab became a major challenge.

Despite the team’s best efforts, achieving comprehensive device coverage proved impractical and costly. The limitations in device availability hindered the QA team’s ability to replicate diverse user experiences across various devices and browsers.

Additionally, the overhead of device lab upkeep in terms of time and expenses made the team look for a more scalable and cost-effective solution.

“We have seen an almost 400% reduction in testing time due to parallelization on BrowserStack. We run 20 tests in parallel across 15 iOS and Android device combinations.”
Raquel Tiné
Raquel Tiné, QA Manager at Banco BV
The solution

Empowering teams with cutting-edge tools

The team evaluated BrowserStack, which turned out to be an all-in-one solution to Banco BV testing challenges. They mainly use App Live for manual app testing and Automate for automated web testing.

By transitioning to a cloud-based platform, the team got rid of their on-premise device lab – and the various challenges related to it. The flexibility and scalability offered by BrowserStack meant that the QA team no longer had to invest time and money in updating physical devices.

Browserstack gave the team the ability to simulate real user experiences across a myriad of devices and browsers seamlessly.

“New devices are readily available on BrowserStack from Day 0, enabling our team to stay ahead of the curve and deliver exceptional customer service,” says Raquel Tiné QA Manager at Banco BV.

The adoption of BrowserStack’s diverse product suite, including Percy for visual testing and exploration into Accessibility Testing, is further enhancing Banco BV’s testing capabilities.

“New devices are readily available on BrowserStack from Day 0, enabling our team to stay ahead of the curve and deliver exceptional customer service.”
Raquel Tiné
Raquel Tiné QA Manager at Banco BV
The impact

Improved quality, efficiency, and cost savings

Testing on BrowserStack has yielded significant positive outcomes at Banco BV.

The ability to run tests daily, with parallel execution, sped up their testing frequency and responsiveness to issues. The team has improved testing experiences and enhanced testing quality across various browsers and devices.

“We have seen an almost 400% reduction in testing time due to parallelization on BrowserStack. We run 20 tests in parallel across 15 iOS and Android device combinations,” says Raquel.

They’ve also noted cost savings, as there was no longer a need to invest in new devices for testing with every market release. New devices were readily available on BrowserStack from Day 0, enabling the team to stay ahead of the curve.

Moreover, BrowserStack’s impact extended beyond the testing team. Developers, QA teams, and UX teams across Banco BV seamlessly integrated BrowserStack into their workflows, enhancing collaboration and overall efficiency.

The ability to test in parallel not only saves time but also brings substantial cost reductions. BrowserStack’s customer support and comprehensive documentation further facilitated a smooth transition and ongoing success.

“The support we get from BrowserStack is commendable. The support team is very helpful and always with us whenever we need assistance. The comprehensive documentation helps us answer most of our questions,” Raquel adds.

Overall, with BrowserStack, the QA team at Banco BV is more agile, testing in a comprehensive and cost-effective manner. This has resulted in delivering a superior user experience to their customers, in line with their business goals.

“The support we get from BrowserStack is commendable. The support team is very helpful and always with us whenever we need assistance. The comprehensive documentation helps us answer most of our questions.”
Raquel Tiné
Raquel Tiné, QA Manager at Banco BV

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