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Home Guide How to perform Component Testing using Cypress

How to perform Component Testing using Cypress

Ganesh Hegde and Priyanka Bhat, Community Contributor -

The test automation strategy defines the success of automation testing in the organization. The good automation strategy focuses on different levels of testing such as Component Testing, API Testing, and End to End Testing. End-to-end testing focuses mainly on real-world scenarios considering the end user, and testing is carried out only when the product is ready to ship to the market. The component testing focuses on the individual component to ensure the components are working fine before integrating. Modern software development uses the component-driven model (module-driven approach); the product functionalities are divided into smaller components or modules, developed individually, and later integrated to ship as a whole product.

What is component testing?

Component testing is software testing level or category where each component of the applications is tested separately to ensure the components are working fine. This method is also called module testing.

Cypress is an Open Source test automation framework built with NodeJS and allows users to write JavaScript or typescript-based automation tests. Cypress’ recent version started supporting component testing. The addition of the component testing makes Cypress a complete testing tool considering the support for Component, API, and end-to-end tests. The module-level testing can be done using Cypress. 

Step by Step Guide to Component Testing in Cypress


Navigate to the Visual Studio Code download page, download, and install

Note: The VSCode installation is optional, you can use any IDE. For this demo, let’s use VSCode as IDE.

Step 1: Create a sample react application

The component testing needs the application code to be present locally on the machine. Component testing can be performed on an application that uses any modern framework such as Vue, React, and Angular. Considering the popularity. In this example, let us use React. The demo react application can be downloaded using the scaffold command.

  • Open the Visual Studio Code
  • Create a fresh folder (Ex: CypressComponentTestDemo)
  • Open Terminal and Type the below command
npm create vite@latest my-awesome-app -- --template react

Step 2: Install the required dependencies

Using the VSCode terminal, navigate to my-awesome-app  and install the dependencies using the below command.

npm install

Step 3: Install the Cypress test automation tool for component testing

Cypress needs to be installed to perform the Component testing; to install Cypress use the below command in the terminal.

npm install cypress -D

Step 4: Open the Cypress

Cypress needs to configure for component testing, use the below command to open the Cypress

npx cypress open

Step 5: Configure Component Testing in Cypress

When you open the Cypress, the Cypress window opens. You need to follow the onscreen instruction to configure Cypress to component testing

1- Choose Component Testing from the welcome window

The Welcome window provides two options namely end-to-end testing and component testing. Click Component Testing and Proceed to the Next.

Cypress test1

2- Project Setup window

Cypress requires the Front end framework information and bundler information for the component testing configuration. Since you have used the scaffold command, Cypress automatically detects both.  

Click Next Step to continue.

Click next step

3- Install Dev Dependencies

Since you have used the scaffold command and then used the npm install in Step 2, all the required dependencies are installed; you can simply click Continue.

Install Dev Dependencies

4- Configuration files

Cypress automatically creates the required basic configuration files, and they will be displayed in the “Configuration Files” window. Review all the files and click on Continue.

Configuration files

5- Browser option window

The main advantage of Cypress component tests is they will be executed on the real browser.  For the purpose of this demo, let’s choose “Chrome” and click on Start Component Testing in Chrome. 

Choose browser

6- Create Sample Spec

Once you choose the browser option, the test runner window opens; select “Create new Empty spec

Create sample spec

When Cypress asks for “Enter the path for new spec”, simply provide the Name for the Component test example:

Note: Remember the file extension is .jsx  (not .js)

Create Spec

Click Create Spec and in the next step click “Okay, run the Spec”

Run the spec

Close the Cypress Test Runner for Now

Note: The contains dummy tests, which are not real component tests, you will be creating the actual component tests following steps.

At this point, your project looks as shown below.

Project structure

Understanding the Cypress Folder/File Structures

  1. Components folder: Contains Cypress component specs
  2. Fixtures folder: Any data which can be used inside the specs can be placed here
  3. Support folder: helper functions, utilities, any reusable code, and custom commands can be placed here.
  4. Support/component.js: Great place to put the global configuration and reusable code
  5. Support/commands.js: In this file, you can create custom commands or override existing commands
  6. Cypress.config.js: This file contains runtime configurations such as devServer, framework, bundler, reporter, videos, screenshot options, etc.
  7. Package.json: This file tracks all installed dependencies and allows you to create a custom commands shortcut

Step 6: Create a Sample React Component

Let’s create a simple React component that can be used for Cypress component testing later.

Navigate to src folder and create a new File with the name DemoComponent.jsx

Add the component code below:

//inside src/DemoComponent.jsx
import { useState } from 'react'
export default function Demo({ greetings = 'Good Morning' }) {
const [greetingMessage] = useState(greetings)

return (
<div id='message'>
Hello Browserstack! {greetingMessage}

<div id='date'>
<p>Today's date is: {new Date().toLocaleDateString()}</p>

The above is the simplest React component, which displays the Greeting message and today’s date. The demo function optionally accepts the greeting message; if not specified, then it displays ‘Good Morning’.


Step 7: Create Cypress Component Test

In Step 5, you have created a sample spec with the name, which can be located under the cypress/components directory that has a placeholder test. Let’s replace them with actual component tests.

There are two scenarios in our component:

  • The default Greeting message.
  • The custom Greeting message.

Let’s write the Cypress code for both scenarios.

In the file, write two component test cases using Cypress syntax.

import Demo from '../../src/DemoComponent'

describe('Demo Component', () => {
const dateNow = new Date().toLocaleDateString()
it('Default Message', () => {
cy.get('#message').should('have.text','Hello Browserstack! Good Morning')
cy.get('#date').should('have.text','Today\'s date is: '+ dateNow)
it('Good Evening Message', () => {
cy.mount(<Demo greetings='Good Evening'/>)
cy.get('#message').should('have.text','Hello Browserstack! Good Evening')
cy.get('#date').should('have.text','Today\'s date is: '+ dateNow)
  • The first test uses  cy.mount(<Demo/>) to mount the demo component and to verify if the text is displayed correctly.
  • The second test case sends an optional greeting parameter as Good Evening while mounting the Demo component, which will be passed to the Demo() function of DemoComponent and will execute the logic accordingly.

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Step 8: Execute the Test to view the results

Open the Cypress with the below command

npx cypress open --component

Choose the browser and execute the tests. 

The results look like below:


Cypress Component Testing Tips and Tricks

  • Execute component Tests in headless mode. Cypress component testing can be executed in headless mode, using the Cypress CLI. The Cypress CLI executes the test faster. 
npx cypress run --component
  • Execute Cypress component tests, directly in the headed mode without manually selecting the test files. Generally, the headed tests are executed on the browser, by choosing the browser and selecting the tests on the test runner window. You can skip all these parts completely and directly execute the tests using the below command.
npx cypress run --component --headed
  • Open the test runner window directly by skipping the browser option. When you open the Cypress, every time you need to choose the test type as Component testing and then Browser as Chrome/Firefox/Edge, etc you can skip all these steps by specifying the open command options like below.
npx cypress open --component --browser chrome
  • Execute single component tests. When you have multiple tests you can execute the single spec using the –spec command line option.
npx cypress run --component --spec cypress/component/
  • Use multiple configuration files in Cypress. You can have multiple configuration files in Cypress, while running the tests you can mention the configuration file name using the –config-file option.
npx cypress run --component --config-file some.config.js
  • Specify configuration command line. Generally, the configuration file is used to define the Cypress configuration, however, Cypress allows to specify the configuration in the command line using the –config option. 
npx cypress run --component --config video=false   
  • Test Reporter options. Cypress provides multiple reporter options such as Junit, XML, etc. You can specify the reporter using the –reporter option in Cypress
npx cypress run --component --reporter junit

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Component testing helps to shorten the delivery time, as the individual component can be tested in isolation, which reduces the defects that can arise after the integration. The Cypress supports both component testing and end-to-end testing in a single framework, so the QA team doesn’t have to maintain the multiple frameworks which in turn reduces the maintenance effort. The Cypress component testing is in Beta, it is supported for major frameworks such as Angular, React, Vue, etc. As component testing is in the Beta stage some of the features might not work as expected for all the supported frameworks. Cypress is still experiencing and adding new features to make it more flexible and stable. 

Remember the Component testing can only test the application at the component level which is part of the application functionality this doesn’t guarantee the application functionality and user experience. The QA team needs to ensure the application functionality is working as expected before signing off on testing. The end-to-end testing is performed on the application which is ready to ship. The end-to-end testing is carried out with the user mindset so it is important to test the application functionality across multiple platforms and devices. Browserstack helps to test the application on thousands of real devices, without rewriting your existing tests. The cloud testing environment provides the infra with zero maintenance and cross-platform testing provides the confidence to release the code to production.

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