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You have exceeded your tier limit

Error Description

You might encounter this error when running your tests on App Automate -

[BROWSERSTACK_TIER_LIMIT_EXCEEDED] Tier limit exceeded for device '<device_name>'. BrowserStack Tier limits the maximum number of parallel tests an organisation can run on a single device type. For more details on tiers and devices in each tier refer to - .


BrowserStack Tiers limit the maximum number of parallel tests an organization can run on a single device type.

In order to view the maximum number of parallel tests we support for each Tier, and the Device-OS combinations which fall under each Tier, refer to our documentation


  1. Ensure that the number of parallel sessions run by your group on a device is less than the maximum tier limit that the device belongs to.
  2. Use regular expressions (Regex) to specify device attributes like device name and OS version if you do not want to test on specific device models. There would be less chances of tier limits since the device search would happen from a bigger pool of devices, so even if a tier limit is reached on one device model from the pool, you are likely to get other devices if you have more parallels available. Refer to our documentation to learn about how to use regex in device capabilities -

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