Single tool for complete automation reporting, health tracking & troubleshooting

View test reports, triage failures, access consolidated test run logs, track suite health metrics, and set up alerts – everything from one place.

2-min SDK Integration

Add a few lines of code in a config file, and you’re ready to go.

Test Platform Agnostic

Run tests on BrowserStack, local, or anywhere else. It works.

All Test Types Supported

Be it unit, API, integration, functional or any other test.

Only signals, no noise

Jump to critical test failures with AI-based automatic failure categorization.

Contextual, AI-enriched debugging

Access every type of log from video to screenshots, terminal, network, device, test framework and even application logs in a single place.

Timeline debuggging

Aggregated logs sorted chronologically so you can instantly find point of failure, without context switch.

Timetravel debugging

Go back in time to analyze logs from a previous run to debug at the source of an issue.

Interactive Debugging
Debug only new issues

Update failure category only once to get similar failures automatically tagged as such in future. No repeat debugging.

Clean, intuitive workflows

Perform every step of run verification from a single dashboard.

Metrics & monitoring

Easily measure metrics that affect your test suite health. Act when it matters.

No spreadsheet madness
No spreadsheet madness

Get all relevant test suite metrics like build stability, flakiness, and more already calculated.

Custom alerts

Configure alerts on any metric – pass percentage, flakiness percentage, build run time, number of muted days, etc.

Email notifications

Get build insights and daily summary emails in your inbox. Configure which builds and projects you want to receive emails for.

Logical aggregations & visualisations

Analyze test suite quality over time with ready-to-use, digestable charts and dashboards