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Home Guide Agile vs DevOps: What’s the Difference?

Agile vs DevOps: What’s the Difference?

By Shormistha Chatterjee, Community Contributor -

Agile and DevOps methodologies are paving the way for innovative and cutting-edge software development practices in the advanced world. The future of both Agile and DevOps looks very promising. Knowing what to assume helps you strategize your next steps. In 2022, almost 47 % of respondents state using a DevOps or DevSecOps methodology for software development. 

Devops vs AgileSoftware development methods practiced globally 2022

Agile/DevOps: Are they Similar? 

Both Agile and DevOps are software development methodologies with the same objectives; getting the end product out as efficiently and rapidly as possible. While countless companies are eager to employ such practices, there is often minor confusion between the two. 

  • DevOps is a collaborative strategy to expedite better contribution and communication of IT and development teams. 
  • Agile methodology simplifies complex workflows and tasks.

Can they work jointly, or should you choose one over the other? Where do they overlap? What does each methodology encompass? Let’s understand Agile and DevOps methodologies in detail.

What is Agile Methodology?

Agile includes continuous iteration of development and testing in the SDLC (software development lifecycle) process. This software development methodology emphasizes evolutionary, incremental, and iterative development. The agile development procedure breaks the product into smaller sections and integrates them for end testing.

It can be executed in numerous ways, counting scrum, XP, scrum, kanban, etc.

Agile Manifesto

The method is defined by the Agile Manifesto, twelve principles that lay the foundation and standards of “working agile.” There are 4 core values at the core of agile software development:

  • Individuals & interactions over tools and procedures- The philosophy emphasizes valuing every single team member and fostering a stimulating and healthy work environment. It encourages continuous communication between co-workers to increase efficiency.
  • Customer association over contract negotiation- Continuous development counts work together with the customer regularly. Instant response guides the project in the direction which will ultimately give the finest outcomes. 
  • Working software over complete documentation- Documentation can’t stand in the mode of delivering software. Earlier, every single project had to commence with descriptive documentation of the necessities and prospects of the developing software.
  • Responding to modification over following a plan- Alterations made a mid-project requirement to be readily accepted as they can assist with the product’s entire success. Accepting new circumstances and embracing fresh traits is one of the key differences between waterfall & agile.

Agile vs DevOps: What’s the Difference?

What is DevOps Methodology?

DevOps is a software development practice aiming to bring development (Dev) and operations (Ops) together. It is a conception that fosters a culture of teamwork between these two teams from the preliminary design stage straight through to the product launch. 

The intent is to allow communication between the QA teams so that they can build, test, and launch software products rapidly and with better speed and efficiency.

Devops Toolchain Azure Devops


DevOps Principles

The evolution to this modern culture is impossible without understanding the core values that drive it. It necessitates a modification of mindset within the software development and the operations team, which motivates them to work as a united front.

The following principles are the base that steers the engineering procedure in a DevOps environment:

  • Version Control- Software Developers submit code modifications to a central repository daily. Before submitting code to the master branch (master repository), each code should be verified. To expedite collaboration, other software developers can track modifications.
  • Collaboration- One of the chief objectives of DevOps is to foster partnership and opinion sharing. Both Development & Operations require to proactively communicate and share a response to manage an effective DevOps pipeline.
  • Continuous Integration- Members of the software development team incorporate their code in a shared repository, numerous times a day. Every developer segments the function into manageable, small chunks of code & identifies potential merge bugs and conflicts rapidly.
  • Continuous Testing- Such a strategy counts testing as much as possible in each phase of software development. Automation testing gives valuable feedback and a threat assessment of the procedure at hand.
  • Continuous Deployment- The major portion of DevOps is automating procedures to fasten production. The continuous deployment includes automating releases of slight updates that don’t pose a substantial risk to the current architecture.
  • Continuous Delivery- The code is constantly integrated and constantly delivered to the end-user. Lesser contributions let quicker update releases, a critical factor for customer satisfaction.
  • Continuous Operations- The DevOps team always functions on updating software with small but recurrent launches. That is why DevOps necessitates continuous observing of performance. Its chief objective is to prevent downtime & accessibility issues during code release.

Benefits of DevOps Methodology

DevOps functions on a cross-functioning technique that makes certain that it delivers in the fastest frame of time and enhances security and flexibility.

Let us see some of the technical benefits of DevOps over Agile:

  • Flawless operations
  • Higher flexibility and security 
  • Enhanced project visibility.
  • Speedy deployment and delivery to markets.
  • Capability to manage varying priorities 
  • Enhanced productivity and communication. 
  • Easy detection of bottlenecks.
  • Steady software delivery
  • Environment stability and a great working environment

Irrespective of the type of DevOps toolchain a company uses, the ultimate goal of DevOps procedure requires to use of the right tools to address the crucial stages.

When do DevOps and Agile work together?

DevOps can be assumed as an advancement of agile practices, or as a missing piece of agile. It’s a strength to take the innovations of the agile tactic and apply them to operations procedures. Similarly, it’s a missing part of agile, as certain principles of agile are simply realized in their complete form when DevOps approaches are employed.

For instance, there are several references to software’s continuous delivery in agile documents, but as delivery pipelines incorporate operations concerns, continuous delivery is generally regarded as a DevOps approach. Amplifying DevOps feedback loops necessitates enhanced communication between and across teams. Agile, especially scrum, helps assist this communication through its numerous ceremonies, such as planning meetings, daily standups, and retrospectives.

Agile vs DevOps: Key Similarities 

1. Emphasis on Automation and Testing 

Agile and DevOps are focused on accomplishing stability. They ensure so by dynamically operating in a secure, fast, & quality-assessed environment. Both methods achieve this through the incorporation of a great deal of testing on a repetitive basis. 

They are similar in their opinions on automation to bring extra security and flexibility to the implementation procedure. 

2. Paves the way for Robust Partnerships 

Although Agile and DevOps might have countless differences, both lay an excessive amount of importance on building a collaborative workplace, wherein team members stay linked to share info, rapidly detect issues, and troubleshoot issues/ bugs conveniently and easily. 

There is an enormous emphasis on connections among individuals and team members to become highly efficient, productive, and responsive to change.  

3. An Inclination toward Business Output

Both Agile and DevOps function in tandem toward accomplishing one collective objective for businesses — the highest productivity. Agile and DevOps share a similar business-centric approach. Executing the Agile method in the software development procedure gives QA teams the time to focus on a solo target, leaving room for them to be more productive and save time. 

Conversely, integrating the DevOps culture results in rapid delivery and releases without hampering business procedures.  

4. Draws Inspiration from Lean Philosophies

Agile and DevOps share a mutual ground in deriving their practices from the Lean philosophy. The Lean philosophy supports Agile and DevOps to standardize their communication procedure and expedite smooth interactions among team members to create a productive and healthy work environment.

Agile vs DevOps: What’s the Difference?

Agile vs DevOps: Differences

One of the major differences between Agile and DevOps is that we expect DevOps persons to be intimately involved in building the software. As a portion of their project team responsibilities, they’re accountable for writing and moving the code around. 

In turn, for the agile team, it is not the software-building that makes a variance but rather the procedure by which it is built.

Agile vs DevOps Comparison Chart

PrioritiesAgile methodology concentrates on continuous modification.The DevOps method concentrates on recurrent testing and delivery.
Team sizeThe team is small at the core of Agile. Relatively big team size as it includes all the stack holders.
ScopeAgile assists in managing complicated projects.DevOps’s central idea is to manage end-to-end engineering procedures.
ExecutionAgile methodology can be executed within a set of tactical frameworks such as a scrum, sprint, and safe.DevOps concentrates on collaboration, so it does not have any commonly acceptable framework.
Team skill setTraining all team members to have an extensive range of equal and similar skill sets.Splits and spreads the skill set between the development and operation teams.
DurationAgile development is handled in a set of “sprints.” DevOps strives for benchmarks and deadlines with maximum releases to deliver code to production every day or daily few hours. 
FeedbackFeedback is given by the client.Feedback comes from the internal team.
EmphasisFocuses on software development methods for developing/ designing software. When the software is released, the agile team won’t care what occurs to it.DevOps is simply about taking software products ready for launch and deploying them in a trustworthy and safe manner.
Goal/ ObjectiveIt addresses the gap between client necessity and development & QA teams.It addresses the gap between testing plus development and Ops.
CommunicationScrum is a very common methodology for executing Agile software development. Every day scrum meeting is performed.DevOps communications include specs as well as design documents. It is crucial for the operational team to completely comprehend the software launch and its network/ hardware implications for effectively running the deployment procedure.
ChallengesRequires teams to be extra productive, which is arduous to match every single time.Requires development, tests, and production environments to organize work.
QualityAgile produces perfect app suites with the desired necessities. It can easily be accepted as per the modifications made on time during the project life.DevOps, together with automation and earlier bug removal, contributes to forming great quality. Developers have to follow Architectural and Coding best practices to manage quality standards.

Why implement Agile and DevOps methodologies together?

Continuous commitment of operation team members with a software development team all through the solution development lifecycle, the approach to keep everybody well-informed, the orientation of project management to accept and transfer responses from everybody, and other techniques of enhancing product development efficiency are being integrated into the strategies of diverse organizations worldwide.

Implementing DevOps and Agile methodologies together, as finding the very effective means to sustain, measure, and enhance success is always a  priority. The crucial reasons are:

  • DevOps tools will assist with the QA team’s agile initiatives.
  • The culture of responsibility and freedom.
  • CI/CD as a fragment of the agile development procedure & automation gives a lift to speed.
  • The DevOps team can efficiently communicate the technical facets needed to attain the final result to other stakeholders and the product owner.
  • Continuous tests become a crucial section of the development process.
  • Agile metrics will help compute the effectiveness of using DevOps in Agile.
  • The DevOps team existing at everyday stand-ups, sprint planning, and assessment will help certify that all product alignments and improvements are approached convincingly.

In a Nutshell,

The objectives of Agile and DevOps are the same: to enhance the quality and speed of software development, and it makes slight sense to talk about one without the other. Various teams have found agile method helps them extremely, while others have struggled to realize the rewards promised by an agile method. This might be due to several reasons, counting teams not fully understanding or correctly executing agile practices.

  •  It may also be that incorporating a DevOps practice will assist fill the gaps for companies that struggle with agile and aid them to have the success they were eager for.  
  • Successful DevOps execution relies heavily on automation. 
  • It is of utmost significance to use the right test automation frameworks, established in the accurate toolchains to automate huge sections of the development & deployment pipeline. 

However, DevOps is not merely about tools. It begins with an alteration in mindset among all parties involved and utilizing a perfect platform to execute that mindset in software testing. 


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