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Home Guide A Detailed Guide on Ansible Tower

A Detailed Guide on Ansible Tower

By Hamid Akhtar, Community Contributor -

Ansible Tower, a product of Red Hat, is a powerful automation tool that simplifies complex tasks. It provides a user-friendly dashboard, role-based access control, job scheduling, and graphical inventory management. This guide aims to delve into the intricacies of Ansible Tower, discussing its functionality, administration, and unique features. 

It also explores how Ansible Tower enhances the capabilities of Ansible, making it more accessible and manageable. From setting up notifications for job templates to managing playbooks, this guide will provide a comprehensive understanding of Ansible Tower, making it an invaluable resource for both beginners and seasoned users.

What is Ansible Tower?

Consider the role of an air traffic controller at a busy airport. The controller’s job is to manage multiple flights, ensuring they take off, land, and navigate the airspace safely and efficiently. Now, imagine doing this job without a control tower – it would be chaotic, inefficient, and prone to errors.

Ansible Tower is like the control tower in this scenario, but for IT automation. It helps manage, control, and navigate through numerous automation tasks (flights) in a complex IT environment (airspace). It provides a visual dashboard, role-based access control, and features like job scheduling and inventory management to ensure that all your automation tasks are handled efficiently and safely, just like an air traffic controller ensures smooth operation at an airport.

Features of Ansible Tower

Imagine you’re a conductor of a grand orchestra. Each musician has a unique role, and they all need to play in harmony to create beautiful music. Now, consider Ansible Tower as your conductor’s baton, guiding the orchestra of your IT environment.

Let’s dive into the features of Ansible Tower that make it such an effective conductor:

Features of Ansible Tower

  • Visual Dashboard: Think of this as your music score. It gives you a graphical overview of all your automation tasks (musicians), allowing you to see who’s playing what, and when. It’s your go-to place for a quick status check.
  • Role-Based Access Control (RBAC): This is like assigning roles to your musicians. You decide who plays the violin, who’s on the drums, and so on. In the same way, RBAC allows you to control who has access to what in your IT environment.
  • Job Scheduling: This is your concert schedule. You can plan when each automation task (performance) should run. This is especially useful for tasks that need to be performed regularly.
  • Real-Time Job Updates: This is like getting live feedback from your performance. You can see how your automation tasks are progressing in real time, allowing you to spot and fix any issues immediately.
  • External Logging Integrations: This is your concert recording. Ansible Tower can integrate with external logging solutions, providing you with a detailed record of your automation ‘performances’.
  • Multi-Playbook Workflows: This is your symphony. You can chain together multiple playbooks (musical pieces), creating complex workflows (symphonies) to handle sophisticated automation tasks.
  • RESTful API: This feature allows Ansible Tower to ‘play’ with other tools and services, integrating them into your ‘orchestra’ and creating a harmonious IT environment.

Each of these features plays a crucial role in making Ansible Tower a comprehensive and efficient solution for IT automation. Just like a conductor’s baton, Ansible Tower guides your IT environment, ensuring everything works in harmony.

Ansible Tower Basics

Imagine you’re the director of a bustling city. Ansible Tower is like your city’s control center. It’s where you monitor everything that’s happening, make decisions, and implement those decisions. As the director, you use Ansible Tower to keep an eye on your city (IT environment), ensuring everything runs smoothly.

  • Roles

Think of roles as different departments in your city administration. Each department has a specific function and responsibilities. In Ansible Tower, roles are predefined ways for determining what actions are performed by different nodes in your IT infrastructure. As the city director, you assign roles to ensure that all tasks are covered.

  • Variables

Variables are like the different policies and guidelines you set for your city. They define how each department (role) operates and what actions they take. In Ansible Tower, variables are used to manage and control the behavior of your tasks, allowing you to customize your automation scripts according to your needs.

  • Modules

Modules are like the various tools and resources your city departments have at their disposal. Each tool (module) has a specific purpose and helps your departments (roles) carry out their tasks. In Ansible Tower, modules are units of code that Ansible executes. Each module has a specific function, like managing services, handling files, etc.

  • Tags

Tags are like the signs and labels around your city. They help you identify and categorize different areas and services. In Ansible Tower, tags allow you to run a specific part of your configuration without running the whole playbook. They provide you with fine control over what tasks to run and when.

  • Templates

Templates are like the blueprints for your city. They outline how everything should be structured and how it should function. In Ansible Tower, a job template is a definition and set of parameters for running an Ansible job. They are useful to execute the same job many times. As the city director, you use templates to ensure consistency and efficiency in your operations.

Working with Ansible Tower’s User Interface

Imagine you’re sitting down for the first time to use Ansible Tower. You might be wondering, “How am I going to navigate this tool?” Let us understand it!

Ansible Tower Jobs


  • When you first open Ansible Tower, you’ll be greeted by its user-friendly interface. It’s designed to make your life easier. You’ll see a visual dashboard right in front of you. This is your command center. It’s where you’ll get a quick overview of all your automation tasks. You can see what’s happening, when it’s happening, and even who’s making it happen. It’s like having a bird’s eye view of your entire IT operations.
  • Now, you might be thinking, “What if I need to control who has access to what?” That’s where Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) comes in. You can assign roles to different users, just like a director assigns roles to actors in a play. You’re in control of who gets to do what in your IT environment.
  • And what about scheduling jobs? You’ve got that covered too. With Ansible Tower, you can schedule tasks to run at specific times, just like setting an alarm clock. You’re not just reacting to things as they happen; you’re planning ahead.
  • But what if you need to see how your tasks are progressing in real time? Ansible Tower lets you do that too. You can monitor your tasks as they run, just like watching a live sports game. You’ll know right away if something goes wrong, and you can step in to fix it.
  • And the best part? All of this is just a few clicks away. You don’t need to be a programming whiz to use Ansible Tower. Its user interface is designed to be intuitive and easy to use, so you can focus on what you do best: managing your IT operations.

So, are you ready to dive in and start exploring Ansible Tower’s user interface? We promise you, it’s easier than you think. And if you ever need help, remember, you’re not alone. There are plenty of resources available to guide you, including the Ansible Tower Documentation. So go ahead, give it a try. You’ve got this!

Top Ansible Commands to know

Top Ansible Commands

As you delve deeper into the world of Ansible, you’ll find that it’s a powerful tool with a plethora of commands at your disposal. Here, we’ll guide you through some of the most essential Ansible commands that you should know.

ansible --version

This is the first command you should know. It helps you to check the installed version of Ansible. You’ll find it useful when you need to confirm the version you’re working with.

ansible all -m ping

This command allows you to test the connectivity to your nodes. You can use it to ensure that you’re able to reach all your nodes from your control machine.

ansible-playbook playbook.yml

As you start writing your playbooks, this command will become your best friend. It allows you to run the playbook you’ve specified.

ansible-doc -l 

This command provides you with a list of all available Ansible modules. You’ll find it handy when you need to explore the modules you can use.

ansible-galaxy init role_name

When you’re ready to create your own roles, this command will help you initialize a new role.

Remember, these are just the tip of the iceberg. As you continue to explore Ansible, you’ll discover many more commands that will help you manage and automate your tasks more efficiently.

Best Practices for Ansible Tower

When you’re working with Ansible Tower, following best practices can help you make the most of this powerful tool. Here are some key recommendations:

Ansible Tower Best Practices

  • Organize Your Projects: Keep your projects well-structured and organized. This will make it easier for you and your team to find and manage your playbooks.
  • Use Inventories Wisely: Inventories should be logically divided based on the environment, like development, testing, and production. This will help you manage and control the configurations of different environments separately.
  • Implement Role-Based Access Control (RBAC): Implementing RBAC can help you manage who has access to what within your Ansible Tower. This can be particularly useful in larger teams or complex projects.
  • Regularly Update and Upgrade: Ensure that your Ansible Tower is regularly updated and upgraded. This will help you take advantage of the latest features and security updates.
  • Use Tower’s RESTful API: Ansible Tower’s RESTful API can be a powerful tool for integrating with other services. Make sure to leverage it to extend the functionality of your Ansible Tower.

Remember, these are just a few best practices. Depending on your specific use case and environment, there may be other practices that could be beneficial.

Real-World Applications of Ansible Tower

You know, Ansible Tower isn’t just a tool that exists in theory; it’s a practical solution that’s making a real difference in organizations worldwide. Let us discuss a few examples with you.

  • Imagine you’re at a large financial institution. You’re struggling with manual processes that are time-consuming and error-prone. You decide to implement Ansible Tower. Suddenly, you’re delegating tasks to different teams, planning tasks for off-peak hours, and seeing a boost in productivity. Sounds great, right?
  • Now, picture yourself at a global retail company. You’re trying to ensure consistent configurations across multiple locations. You turn to Ansible Tower. You’re using its visual dashboard, keeping track of your IT assets, and monitoring your automation tasks in real time. You’re identifying and resolving issues quickly, and your operations are running more smoothly.
  • Finally, imagine you’re part of a growing tech startup. You’re looking for a way to scale your IT operations. You choose Ansible Tower. You’re creating complex workflows, integrating with other tools, and keeping detailed records of your tasks. You’re troubleshooting effectively, optimizing performance, and supporting your company’s rapid growth.

These stories show you how versatile and powerful Ansible Tower can be. Whether you’re part of a large institution, a global company, or a growing startup, Ansible Tower has the tools you need.

Closing Notes

In conclusion, Ansible Tower stands tall as a trusted ally, delivering transformative automation capabilities to organizations worldwide. From Deutsche Bank to Comcast, Siemens to Pinterest, real-world companies have harnessed the power of Ansible Tower to streamline their IT operations, enhance scalability, and drive unparalleled efficiency. Embrace the success stories of these industry leaders and embark on your own journey towards optimized productivity with Ansible Tower as your guiding force.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  • What is the difference between Ansible and Ansible Tower?

Ansible is an open-source IT automation tool, while Ansible Tower, now known as Automation Controller, is its enterprise version with a web-based UI and additional features for scaling and control.

  • What is the Ansible Tower called now?

Ansible Tower is now referred to as Automation Controller, which is a part of the Ansible Automation Platform.

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