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Home Guide How does Model-Based Testing improve Test Automation?

How does Model-Based Testing improve Test Automation?

By Amrita Vazirani, Community Contributor -

With the rise of Agile and DevOps methodologies, the software development life cycle (SDLC) has become shorter and more iterative. As a result, the need for comprehensive and reliable test automation has never been greater. In this article, we’ll explore how model-based test automation can help you achieve rapid feedback and continuous delivery while reducing the cost and complexity of your testing effort.

What is Model-Based Testing?

Model-based testing is a type of software testing method that uses a system’s model under test to generate test cases. Test automation tools that use this approach can create tests automatically from the model or semi-automatically with some user input.

Model-based testing (MBT) can be combined with popular testing tools and automation frameworks, thereby assisting your QA team to create both manual and automated scripts and increase test coverage.

This approach can be used for any software testing but is particularly well suited for testing complex systems with many possible states or behaviors. Model based test automation can help reduce the time and effort required to create and maintain manual test cases and can also help improve the coverage and accuracy of tests.

How does Model-Based Testing work?

Model-based test is a methodology that uses a model of the system under test to generate test cases. The model can be either static or dynamic. Static models are typically used for GUI testing, while dynamic models are used for API testing.

The advantages of using a model-based test approach are as follows: 

  • Reduces time and effort required to create, maintain, and prioritize test cases
  • Improve test accuracy and make it easier to reuse test cases.
  • Enables faster and more accurate testing in the agile environment.

To generate Model test cases, the tester does the following:

  1. Creates a representation of the system under test using a graphical tool, such as a UML diagram, or by writing code. 
  2. Once the model is created, define each test case’s input and expected output values.
  3. Executes the test case and compares the actual output to the expected outcome. If there is a discrepancy, then the tester reports a failure.

Model based testing workflow


Popular Model-Based Testing Tools in the Market

There are different model-based testing tools available in the market. Each of these tools has its advantages and disadvantages which is why it’s crucial to choose a suitable one. Some of the most popular Model-based testing tools are:

  • IBM Rational Test Workbench: IBM Rational Test Workbench is a model-based test automation tool that uses a model to represent the application under test and then generates test cases based on that model.
  • Parasoft SOAtest: Parasoft SOAtest is a model-based test automation tool that can test web services. It uses a contract-first testing approach, starting with the WSDL file. From there, it generates test cases based on the WSDL file. The advantage of this approach is that it can catch errors early on in the development process.
  • Microsoft Visual Studio: Microsoft Visual Studio Team System 2008 Testing Edition is a software testing tool that automates the testing process. It is based on the Model-Based Testing approach, which uses a system’s model under test to generate test cases.

No matter, which testing tool you go by, always remember that you’re testing for users who will be using it on real devices under real user conditions such as low battery status, constant push notifications, dark mode, and older browser versions. With BrowserStack Real Device Cloud you can access your on-demand cloud of 3000+ device/browser combinations for real device testing.

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Different Approaches to create Model-Based Tests

  • Unified Modeling Language (UML) is a popular graphical modeling tool that allows testers to create visual representations of their tests, which can help them understand the test flow and identify potential issues. 
  • Test Modeling Language (TML) is a text-based modeling language that can be used to create more detailed and complex models but can be less user-friendly than graphical modeling tools.

How does Model-Based Testing improve Test Automation?

Automation testing is the process of automating the execution of test cases. This can be done either manually or using a tool. However, model-based test automation is a more efficient and practical approach.

Model-based test automation involves creating a model of the system under test. This model can be used to generate test cases automatically. This approach has many benefits over traditional automation approaches.

  • Highly efficient since it does not require the manual creation of test cases. 
  • More effective since the generated test cases will likely be more comprehensive and accurate. 
  • Can be used to create both positive and negative test cases. 
  • Generate both functional and non-functional test cases. 
  • Finally, this approach can create both unit and integration test cases.

In order to expand your knowledge, there are additional interesting frameworks that one can explore:


Model-based test automation is a powerful strategy that can help reduce the amount of time and effort you spend on testing. Using models to generate test cases, you can dramatically increase your test coverage while reducing the number of manual tests you need to create.

In addition, model-based test automation can help you find more bugs earlier in the development process, saving you even more, time and effort in the long run. Model-based test automation is worth considering if you’re looking for a way to improve your testing efficiency.

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