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Home Guide How to Perform Visual Testing for Components in Cypress

How to Perform Visual Testing for Components in Cypress

By G.H, Community Contributor -

Cypress is a trending automation tool, some of its unique features, such as easy debugging, interactive Test Runner, developer-friendly syntax make Cypress popular. With Cypress version 10, it has introduced Component Testing. This feature has existed before but the configuration and execution were quite difficult. With Cypress 10 Component and Cypress end-to-end, testing is streamlined. 

The Cypress component testing helps you to quickly build and test individual components. The test runs in the browser so you can combine both the API and Component when it is rendered. 

The Visual Testing in Cypress helps to validate the UI elements. Interestingly with Cypress, you can even perform visual testing at the component level. 

This article explains how to perform a visual validation test using Cypress Component Testing. You will learn two different types of visual validation testing.

  1. Visual Regression Test for Component using Cypress Image Diff Plugin
  2. Cypress Visual Testing for Component with Percy

Step by Step guide to performing Visual  Component Testing in Cypress

As a prerequisite you will need React/Angular/VueJS Development Framework setup

Step 1: Install Cypress to your project

Using the command

npm install cypress -D

Step 2: Open Cypress 

Open Cypress with command

npx cypress open

The above command will create the default directory structure for Cypress tests.

Step 3: Configure Cypress Component Testing

  • Once you open Cypress, you will see the window, E2E and Component Testing.
  • Choose Component Testing. 
  • Using the on-screen instruction, configure your project with Cypress Component Testing.

Step 4: Install the cypress-image-diff-js plugin

For the Visual Testing, you need to install cypress-image-diff-js, Use the below command to install the image comparison node package.

npm i cypress-image-diff-js

Step 5: Configure the Image Diff package

Navigate to your cypress.config.js usually located in your root project. 

Import the cypress-image-diff-js/dist/plugin into your config file as shown below.

const setupNodeEvents = require('cypress-image-diff-js/dist/plugin')

Navigate to component section in cypress.config.js file add the setupNodeEvents

The full cypress.config.js file looks like below.

const { defineConfig } = require("cypress");
const setupNodeEvents = require('cypress-image-diff-js/dist/plugin')
module.exports = defineConfig({
component: {
devServer: {
framework: 'react',
bundler: 'vite',
e2e: {}

Step 6: Configure the Support file

Navigate to cypress/support/component.js and add the below code

const compareSnapshotCommand = require('cypress-image-diff-js/dist/command')

Ensure that import ‘./commands’, is already present in the component.js file, if it doesn’t exist, then add it.

Optional Step: Create Simple React Component

This step is optional, if you are already having a component created then you can skip this step.

Below is the sample component created for Demo Purpose

We have created DemoComponent.jsx in my-react-app/src folder

The code looks like the below

import { useState } from 'react'
import {Button, Alert} from 'react-bootstrap';
import './App.css'
import 'bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.min.css';
export default function DemoComponent() {
return (
<div data-testid="demo-page">

<div data-testid="demoButton">
<Button variant="primary" size="lg">
Demo Page

<div data-testid="infoalert">
<Alert key="info" variant="info">
This is a test Alert!

The above is a simple component that has a button and simple alert like the below.

simple component that has a button

Step 7: Create Visual Test for Component 

Let’s create a simple visual test for the above component,

Navigate to cypress/component folder and create a simple .jsx file name it as visual-test.jsx

The code looks like the below:

import { mount } from 'cypress/react'
import DemoComponent from '../../src/DemoComponent'
const demoButton = '[data-testid=demoButton]'
describe('Demo Component', () => {
it('Visual Testing Cypress', () => {
mount(<DemoComponent />)
cy.get(demoButton).should('contain.text', 'Demo Component Button')
cy.compareSnapshot('component-testing', 0.2)
  • In the above code,  mount(<Stepper />): Mounting DemoCompenent for testing, which is imported using import DemoComponent from ‘../../src/DemoComponent’ 
  • cy.get(demoButton).should(‘contain.text’, ‘Demo Component Button’),: This line is an assertion to ensure that our component button is rendered correctly.
  • cy.compareSnapshot(‘component-testing’, 0.2): This line takes the screenshot and compares it against the base screenshot, 0.2 is the threshold which is the tolerance of pixel difference of the screenshot.

Step 8: Execute the test

You can execute the Cypress test, using both the command line and Cypress Test Runner window.

Using the Cypress Test Runner window

  • Use npx cypress open command
  • Choose the Component Testing and Browser
  • Click on the test name in our case it is
  • Once you execute the test, Cypress shows the output pass or fail

Cypress Test Runner window

  • For cypress CLI execution you can use the below command
npx cypress run –component

Note: You need to execute the test at least two times, the first run captures the base screenshot, and the subsequent run captures the actual screenshot and compares it against the base screenshot.

In our case there was no difference, so tests are marked as passes.

Let’s modify the component by changing the button background color from blue to red

component by changing the button background color

Execute the test again.

You can see that the test has failed since there is a difference between the base screenshot and the actual screenshot.

You can view the difference, by navigating to the diff folder under the cypress-visual-screenshots folder

cypress visual screenshots

Cypress Component Visual Testing using Percy

The Percy is the most popular cloud based visual testing tool. Percy provides a dedicated dashboard to compare the visual differences. One of the unique features of Percy is you can visually check how the components are rendered across multiple browsers such as Edge, Chrome, Safari, etc. Percy provides a feature to accept, and reject the changes.

Use Step 1 to Step 3 to configure Cypress to your project, after that follow the below instructions

Install Percy for Cypress

  • Using the command below install Percy for Cypress
npm install --save-dev @percy/cli @percy/cypress
  • Configure cypress/support folder

Navigate to cypress/support/command.js file and add the import statement

import '@percy/cypress';

Create a component (Optional, if you have already created a simple component skip this step). Below is a simple react component to test the Percy visual testing.

import { useState } from 'react'
import {Button, Alert} from 'react-bootstrap';
import './App.css'
import 'bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.min.css';

export default function DemoComponent() {

//style={{background: "red"}}
return (
<div data-testid="demo-page">

<div data-testid="demoButton">
<Button variant="primary" size="lg" >
Demo Component Button

<div data-testid="infoalert">
<Alert key="info" variant="info">
This is a test Alert!
  • Write a simple Percy Visual Test for Component using Cypress
  • Navigate to cypress/component folder create a file
import { mount } from 'cypress/react'
import DemoComponent from '../../src/DemoComponent'
const demoButton = '[data-testid=demoButton]'
describe('Demo Component Testing Percy', () => {
it('Visual Testing Cypress Percy', () => {
mount(<DemoComponent />)
cy.get(demoButton).should('contain.text', 'Demo Component Button')

In the above code,

  • mount(<Stepper />): Mounts the DemoCompenent for testing, which is imported using import DemoComponent from ‘../../src/DemoComponent’ 
  • cy.get(demoButton).should(‘contain.text’, ‘Demo Component Button’): This line is an assertion to ensure that our component button is rendered correctly.
  • cy.percySnapshot(); : This is a Percy command to take the DOM snapshot and then Percy CLI uploads the snapshots to the Percy dashboard.

Set the PERCY_TOKEN Environment Variable:

Copy the PERCY_TOKEN. Read more.

Set the Environment Variable
# Unix
$ export PERCY_TOKEN="<your-project-token>"

# Windows
$ set PERCY_TOKEN="<your-project-token>"

# Powershell
$ $Env:PERCY_TOKEN="<your-project-token>"

Run Component Tests using Percy Cypress

npx percy exec -- cypress run –component

Once the execution is complete, the command line output will have the Percy build URL, you can navigate to the build URL to check the difference.

Note: you need to execute the Percy test at least two times to check the result, as you need to have a base screenshot and an actual screenshot to compare.

If there are no changes then Percy displays “No Changes.”

No Changes.

Let’s modify our code, change the button background color to Red from Blue and execute the test again.

change the button background color to Red from Blue and execute the test again.

You can see in the above image, that the difference is shown side by side.

How to Perform Visual Testing for Components in Cypress

The modern development framework encourages the development of the components in isolation. Visual Testing is the most popular method for testing the Visual Changes in UI. Cypress and Percy make the visual testing much easier and effectively bring the visual testing to the component level. The component-level visual testing helps faster development.

Try Visual Testing using Percy

Automated UI Testing Cypress Visual Testing

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