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Home Guide How is Digital Transformation changing the Automation Testing landscape?

How is Digital Transformation changing the Automation Testing landscape?

By Mohammad Waseem, Community Contributor -

The IT industry has evolved massively in the last 2 decades. With an increasing and ever-evolving sector, the need for faster and agile quality assurance ensures a quick release of products with enhanced efficiency. Not only this, but to sustain advanced business requirements, teams will have to upgrade themselves to keep up with the pace of digital transformation shaping the modern economy. 

In this guide, let us look at digital transformation’s impact on automation testing and its future. 

Automation Testing in the Current Scenario

Although the automation testing journey has evolved a lot since the inception of software testing, a few shortcomings make organizations spend a lot of their resources to meet the requirements on time. Some of the recent observations from the automation testing scenario are as follows: 

  1. Increasing Costs and Quality Deficit – The organizations that were unable to shift towards automation testing as they failed to capitalize on user requirements and were spending a lot of resources and capital to fulfill the shortcomings. Even for the organizations, that were able to shift towards testing automation, there are still a lot of shortcomings related to lack of resources, etc. 
  2. Enhanced Complexity – With an ever-changing world, the platforms have increased. Multiple platforms lead to the increased complexity of tests that will be performed on various operating systems, devices, etc. 
  3. AI & ML in Automation Testing – The current trend involving the use of artificial intelligence and machine learning isn’t too far from automation testing as well. The use of AI and ML in the automation testing domain is helping the teams accelerate the software testing life cycle with predictive analytics/machine learning to provide actionable insights while creating test strategies. 
  4. Challenging User Requirements/feedback – With the increasing advancements in the software development domain, user requirements are also becoming more complex. The onset of newer technologies results in a lesser turnaround time for the teams to incorporate the changes as per the user requirements. 
  5. Test Backlogs and Deprived Productivity – To match up with the speed of requirements, the teams often deal with backlogs of tests that need to be automated faster. This results in bad quality of tests reduced productivity, and eventually hampers the entire Quality Assurance lifecycle.

To reduce these shortcomings to the minimum, teams retort to the automation testing space. Let’s take a look at the impact of digital transformation in Automation testing.

Impact of Digital Transformation

The impact of digital transformation resulted in organizations leveraging the resources to create better-testing environments on multiple devices, increased turnaround time on user feedback, and improved automation. 

  1. Artificial intelligence and machine learning can come in handy for the actionable insights that can be used to create enhanced testing strategies backed by analytical and statistical evidence that will bring more efficient results from the testing cycle. 
  2. To increase the turnaround time for the user feedback, the organizations have adopted continuous development and continuous integration in the software testing life cycle so that the user feedback can be implemented on the go and can save them a lot of time and resources to get the changes done. 

How is Digital Transformation changing the Automation Testing landscape?

You can utilize Cloud-based testing platforms like BrowserStack that allow you to test your app and website on different devices and operating systems. These platforms lower the chance of bugs and elevate your product and user experience.

Let’s take a look at how organizations/businesses can be ready for the inevitable digital transformation in automation testing.

Businesses adopting Digital Transformation and Test Automation

Here are some of the key focus areas for Businesses to enhance Digital Transformation from a Testing perspective:

  1. Adopting DevOps practices like CI CD in agile development environments to increase productivity in software testing.
  2. Leveraging cloud testing for increased support of testing environments on various devices without leveraging the project budget.
  3. Focusing on Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning for insights related to test strategies through predictive analytics. 
  4. Using the resources in an optimum manner to capitalize on fewer costs instead of overshooting budget estimates on test resources.
  5. Focusing on test automation considering the rise of smart appliances, that are becoming the everyday household and count as an integral platform for any software that needs to be tested in the market.
  6. Resolving the issues with the test complexities for not having enough devices to test along with the correct set of tools to manage the processes for the software testing cycle efficiently.

How is Digital Transformation changing the Automation Testing landscape?

The Digital Transformation has been the most prominent in the last decade, where the inception of so many digital platforms has risen from scratch. Testing the applications on various devices, and operating systems simultaneously while keeping in check the turnaround time can be challenging for the QA teams. 

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Case Study: Check how BrowserStack helped GoodRx

BrowserStack allows you to test your app/website on 3000+ devices seamlessly. Businesses that use BrowserStack have drastically reduced their testing time, which has helped them reach the market quicker. Read our success stories here.

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