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Home Guide How to Create a Website from your Phone?

How to Create a Website from your Phone?

By Kitakabee, Community Contributor -

As technology evolves at an unprecedented pace, the approach for tackling tasks is continually transforming. Once upon a time, creating a website meant being tethered to a desktop computer. Now, you can create a website right from your phone. 

Whether on a bus or sitting in a café, you can build, launch, and manage a website—all from the compact device that fits in your pocket. This shift is a testament to our rapidly evolving digital world.

But how to create a website from your phone?

The idea might seem daunting initially, particularly if you’re accustomed to traditional methods. However, with the right tools and guidance, it’s a surprisingly accessible process.

Before we delve into the perfect solution for mobile website creation, let’s first explore the key considerations you need to keep in mind.

Factors to consider when Creating a Website from a Phone

When preparing to create a website from your phone, there are several key considerations to remember.

Here are some crucial factors to look for:

  1. User-Friendly Interface: As you’ll be creating your website on a smaller, touchscreen device, the app should be designed in a way that allows you to easily access all necessary tools and features. A user-friendly interface can streamline the creation process, making it quicker and less frustrating, particularly for those new to website building.
  2. Robust Features: The website builder should offer a comprehensive set of features to give you maximum flexibility and control over your website. This can include elements like customization options, multimedia support (for images, videos, etc.), SEO tools, social media integration, and more.
  3. Responsive Design: It’s crucial to ensure that the website builder allows for responsive design. A responsive website automatically adjusts its layout and content to fit different screen sizes – from mobile phones to tablets to desktops.

Understanding these key considerations will ensure that your chosen tool aligns with your goals and sets you up for success.

Top 6 Tools to Create Website from your Phone

Creating a website on your phone is simpler than ever, thanks to many powerful tools designed specifically for mobile devices.

Below are the top six tools that allow you to create a fantastic website from your phone:

  1. Wix
  2. Weebly
  3. Squarespace
  4. WordPress
  5. Jimdo
  6. Shopify

1. Wix


Wix is a widely used platform renowned for its user-friendly, drag-and-drop website builder. One of Wix’s key strengths is the extensive range of templates it offers, covering various industries from e-commerce to blogging, from portfolios to hospitality, and more. These templates provide a solid foundation that users can tailor to their unique needs and style.


  • Extensive library of customizable templates.
  • Robust SEO tools to optimize your website for search engines.


  • Simplifies the design process, making it easy for beginners to create professional-looking websites.
  • Offers diverse features for various website types, from blogs to online stores.

2. Weebly


Weebly offers an intuitive platform with a rich selection of templates, making website creation a breeze. Moreover, Weebly features a drag-and-drop interface that enables even those with minimal technical knowledge to design visually appealing websites. It supports multimedia elements like images, videos, and maps, which can be effortlessly incorporated into your website.


  • Mobile app that lets you edit and manage your website on the go.
  • Comprehensive e-commerce tools for building and managing online stores.


  • Easy-to-navigate interface simplifies website management.
  • Provides robust e-commerce solutions, making it ideal for online businesses.

3. Squarespace


Squarespace is known for its aesthetically pleasing templates and robust features, making it a great choice for creatives. The platform stands out with its offering of professionally designed, sleek, and modern templates that are responsive and customizable. These templates are ideal for individuals who prioritize aesthetics and want a website that visually represents their work or brand effectively.


  • A wide array of modern, stylish templates for various industries.
  • Robust blogging and e-commerce features for comprehensive website creation.


  • Enables creation of visually appealing websites with minimal effort.
  • Mobile app allows for on-the-go website management and editing.

4. WordPress


WordPress is a powerful and flexible platform many builders use. What sets WordPress apart is its incredible flexibility. It started as a blogging platform but has since evolved into a full-fledged content management system, capable of powering complex websites. You can create anything from a personal blog to an e-commerce site, a portfolio, or even a social network on WordPress.

Are you stuck with slow sites, here are 10 things to do to speed up your WordPress website.


  • Mobile app for creating, editing, and managing your website.
  • Thousands of themes and plugins for limitless customization.


  • Offers unparalleled flexibility, catering to various website types and complexity levels.
  • Extensive community support and resources for troubleshooting and learning.

5. Jimdo


Jimdo focuses on simplicity, offering AI-driven tools for quick and easy website creation. This tool can create a personalized website in a matter of minutes by asking users a series of questions about their preferred style and the purpose of their site. Based on the responses, Jimdo Dolphin generates a customized website, complete with relevant sections and content.


  • AI-powered website builder for creating professional websites in minutes.
  • Intuitive mobile app with a wide range of customizable templates.


  • Simplifies the website creation process, making it accessible to beginners.
  • Provides a balanced set of features for both personal and business websites.

6. Shopify


Shopify is a leading e-commerce platform that enables you to launch and manage your online store. Shopify excels in providing an all-in-one solution for e-commerce businesses. Whether you’re selling physical products, digital goods, or services, Shopify has the tools you need. This platform makes it easy to set up an online store, with customizable templates that let you design your shop to match your brand.


  • Comprehensive e-commerce tools, including inventory management, marketing tools, and analytics.
  • Mobile app for managing your store from anywhere.


  • Provides an all-in-one solution for online businesses, simplifying store setup and management.
  • Robust analytics for monitoring store performance and making informed business decisions.

Choosing the right tool largely depends on your specific needs, and the type of website you want to create.

Now let’s delve into how you can create a basic HTML website using just your mobile device. It can offer valuable insights, particularly if you’re just starting to explore the world of web development.

How to create a basic HTML Website using your Mobile Phone?

Creating a website directly from your phone isn’t limited to using pre-built templates and drag-and-drop interfaces. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to use Notepad or a similar code editor to create an HTML webpage:

  1. Open Your File Manager and Create a Folder: Begin by creating a new folder in your file manager where you’ll keep your website’s files, including images, HTML, and CSS files.
  2. Copy Your Images: If you plan to use images on your website, copy them into the folder you just c.
  3. Download a Code Editor: Head to the Google Play Store and download a code editor. ‘Acode’ is a great option, but there are many others to choose from based on your preference.
  4. Create a New File: Open your chosen code editor, tap the options button, and select ‘add new file’.
  5. Upload Your Images: Upload the images you want for your website from the folder you created earlier.
  6. Name Your File: Rename your new file as ‘index.html’ while uploading. This file will serve as the homepage of your website.
  7. Start Coding: Begin typing your HTML code, starting with the HTML5 doctype declaration: <!Doctype html>.
  8. Add CSS: After you’re done with your HTML code, add the CSS using the <link rel> tag to link an external CSS file, or use the <style> tag for internal CSS.
  9. Preview and Save: Once satisfied with your code, tap the preview button (usually represented by a play sign) to see how your website looks. Select ‘save’ from the options that appear to store your work.
  10. Create a Separate CSS Session: If you prefer, you can create a separate session for your CSS3 code within the app, allowing you to keep your styles separate from your HTML.

Following these steps, you can build your own HTML website directly on your phone.

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Importance of Testing the Website you created using Phone

It’s crucial not to overlook one key step: Testing. You might wonder why testing is so important. Here are a few reasons:

  • Ensure Functionality 
  • Check User Experience
  • Validate Design Across Devices

This necessity for testing becomes even more pronounced if you’ve designed your website primarily on a mobile device. It’s essential to identify and resolve any issues that might not be obvious on the mobile platform but could affect users on other devices.

Additionally, viewing how your website appears and performs on various devices and browsers will ensure a consistent, high-quality experience for all users.

While you can conduct testing manually, it can be labor-intensive and there’s a risk you might overlook crucial issues. This is where tools like BrowserStack come in.

BrowserStack automates the testing process across multiple devices and browsers, saving time and ensuring a thorough evaluation.

Try BrowserStack Live for Free

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How to use BrowserStack and Test the Website on Real Devices?

To leverage the power of BrowserStack Live for testing your website on real mobile devices, follow these straightforward steps:

1. SignUp for BrowserStack

2. Choose the OS and Handset: Once you’ve signed up, you can select your desired OS (Android or iOS) and handset from the Live dashboard. It’s where you specify the device-browser combination you wish to test your website.

BrowserStack Sign Up

3. Start Testing: You can start your live mobile website testing session with the OS and handset selected. The image above showcases a testing session on Chrome running on Samsung S20+.

BrowserStack Live

Using BrowserStack Live for mobile web testing is convenient and extremely comprehensive, providing team members with instant access to a wide array of real devices directly from their browsers without any complex setup.


Creating a website from your phone is a straightforward process with the advent of various mobile-friendly website builders. Selecting a suitable platform is critical, considering an intuitive interface, rich feature set, and the capacity to create responsive designs.

However, creating a website isn’t limited to designing and publishing; testing for cross-device compatibility is paramount. Here, BrowserStack Live becomes an essential tool, allowing you to test websites on a range of real devices from your browser.

Anyone, from entrepreneurs to bloggers, can begin their online journey right from their mobile device. It offers a real device cloud with instant, on-demand access to over 3000 browsers and devices.

Try BrowserStack Now

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  • Can I make a website on mobile for free?

Yes, you can create a website on your mobile device for free. Various tools and platforms, like Wix and Weebly, provide free plans. However, these free plans may have limitations, such as limited storage and using the platform’s subdomain for your website.

  • How can I create my website?

Creating your website involves choosing a website builder platform, selecting a template, customizing your site with your content, and publishing it online.

  • How to create an HTML web page on mobile?

You can create an HTML webpage on mobile using code editor apps like Acode or QuickEdit. These apps allow you to write and edit code directly on your phone. You create a new file, write your HTML code, and save the file with a .html extension.

  • Can you make a Google website on your phone?

You can create a Google website on your phone using Google Sites. Google Sites is a free tool by Google that allows you to create simple websites.

  • Can we do coding on the phone?

Yes, you can do coding on your phone. Several mobile apps, such as Acode, Dcoder, and Sololearn, provide coding environments where you can write, run, and debug code in various languages, including HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Python, and more.

  • Can we run HTML on mobile?

Yes, you can run HTML on mobile. After creating an HTML file using a code editor app, you can view the webpage by opening the HTML file in your mobile web browser.

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