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Home Guide How to make Angular Project Responsive?

How to make Angular Project Responsive?

By Mohit Joshi, Community Contributor -

A website’s requirements have changed dramatically since it was relatively new. Considering nearly everyone owns a mobile device today, it is an unsaid rule to build a responsive website, no matter what the client specifies in the requirements. 

Nowadays, with numerous JavaScript frameworks and many devices for viewing webpages, the demand for a front-end website goes way beyond simple functionality. Building a website that functions well on users’ devices is essential to capture a broader audience. 

To achieve a simple but effective responsive design, it is necessary to ensure the layout does not change when the screen size changes. In this article, we shall understand how to make Angular Project responsive. 

What is Angular? 

Angular is a component-based development platform built upon typescript and is employed by developers worldwide to create aesthetically appealing front-end websites. It is a free and open-source application built and maintained by the Angular team at Google. 

Angular is the third-most-popular JavaScript framework which is highly efficient in creating SPAs (single-page applications). Angular uses HTML and TypeScript; however, it is made in TypeScript. Moreover, it is a cross-platform language, supporting different languages. 

Why use Angular?  

Here are three key benefits that come in handy while using Angular, which justifies our Angular usage for responsiveness. 

  • You can quickly build progressive web applications with Angular. These are the type of applications that enhance the user experience of the website made with the help of Angular. Additionally, it brings this aesthetic user experience to your desktop and mobile phone. 
  • One of the most compelling features of Angular is the two-way bindings of the framework, which is used to display information to the user and allow them to change the data directly from the UI of the application. This builds a compelling connection between the user and the template, offering them a better interaction with the website. 
  • Angular is believed to be the fastest front-end framework in the industry. It has the fastest loading time. Moreover, it splits the code automatically per the user’s and project’s requirements. 

Best Practices while using Angular

Follow these practices to improve the efficiency of the project while writing the project code. 

  1. Always use the Angular CLI (command line interface) to perform basic operations such as initialization, development, maintenance, testing, and debugging. Some basic commands are ng –new for creating a new Angular responsive app, ng serves to start the application in the browser, and more. 
  2. Incorporate ES6 (ECMAScript 6) features in your code to make JavaScript programming easier. Some ES6 features include Let and Const, Arrow functions, and more. 
  3. Use lazy loading to increase the application’s load time to a greater extent. It is a process of loading different modules like documents, SCSS, videos, images, etc. It is essential in a large application, which helps increase the loading time by breaking it into multiple packets and loading them only when requested. 
  4. Maintain proper folder structure, especially in large-scale project cases, for easy navigation and maintenance of code. 
  5. The nomenclature of the files must be done correctly as it provides ease while gradually developing the project. This practice saves developers much time, especially when collaborating on a single project.

How to make an Angular project responsive?

After looking at the word ‘responsive’, our mind co-relates it with ‘media queries’. Media queries are the foremost solution in making our project responsive. However, it becomes quite problematic to use media queries in our project. Although it makes the work done, it creates a mess. 

Therefore, in this article, we shall learn how to make Angular projects responsive with and without using media queries. 

Method 1: Writing CSS (using Media Queries)

Writing media queries in the CSS file is among the most conventional and easiest way to implement responsiveness in the project. Although CSS media query is the fastest way to implement responsiveness, the codebase becomes hard to maintain, and the flow becomes messy. 

Here’s how you can implement media queries in CSS.

@media only screen and (min-width: 599.98px) { 

Method 2: The BreakpointObserver Service

The BreakpointObserver is an API service available in the Angular Component Development Kit that notifies its subscribers of the current dimensions and orientation of the screen. Moreover, the service also emits new values when the screen size changes. 

It already comes with several pre-built CSS breakpoints for different types of screen sizes. You may refer to the official documentation for more details about the pre-built CSS breakpoints. 

Let’s learn how to use the BreakpointObserver service in our Angular project.

Setting up Project

Firstly, install Angular CLI to create projects in Angular

npm install -g @angular/cli

Create a project

ng new my-app

Install Angular CDK to use the layout module in your project. 

Cd my-app
npm install @angular/cdk

Using BreakPoints

Open src/app/app.module.ts and subscribe to the BreakpointObserver API service. Also, use the Breakpoint value in the template. 

import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core';
import { BreakpointObserver,Breakpoints, BreakpointState } from '@angular/cdk/layout';

selector: 'app-root',
templateUrl: './app.component.html',
styleUrls: ['./app.component.css']
export class AppComponent implements OnInit {
title = 'my-app';
constructor(public responsive: BreakpointObserver) {}

ngOnInit() {
.subscribe((state: BreakpointState) => {
if (state.matches) {
'This is the Handset Portrait point at max-width: 599.98 px and portrait orientation.'

Method 3: Writing CSS (without using Media Queries)

Writing media queries in our CSS file had made our project not only complex but also, hard to maintain. Therefore, let’s learn how to make our project responsive, writing CSS, but not using any media queries. 

It is achieved by creating layout-specific boolean members in the component. For instance, when viewed on mobile devices, you want to eliminate some margin or padding from the component. 

In this example, we add a boolean flag, isPhoneviewed to the component. 

import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core';
import { BreakpointObserver,Breakpoints, BreakpointState } from '@angular/cdk/layout';

selector: 'app-root',
templateUrl: './app.component.html',
styleUrls: ['./app.component.css']
export class AppComponent implements OnInit {
title = 'my-app';

isPhoneviewed = false;

constructor(public responsive: BreakpointObserver) {}

ngOnInit() {

.subscribe(result => {

this.isPhoneviewed = false;

if (result.matches) {
this.isPhoneviewed = true;
} {
'HandsetPortrait is on'


How to test Angular responsive app?

BrowserStack is a cloud testing infrastructure that allows users to test their website in numerous operating systems and web browsers before releasing it to real-world users. 

Now, let’s learn how to test the website’s responsiveness using BrowserStack in three easy steps. 

Step 1: Sign up/Login on BrowserStack 

Get started free by opening up BrowserStack Responsive Design Testing.

Test Angular responsive App

Step 2: Enter the Website

Test Angular responsive app on BrowserStack

For example, let’s enter any popular website made using Angular. 

Step 3: Select the device for the test

Select from the wide range of devices in which you want to run the test. After that, hit the check button to run the testing and see the result.

Start Responsive Testing


Every developer is eager to learn the best techniques to build the most seamless and aesthetically appealing front-end project. Moreover, every project nowadays mandates responsiveness as an essential parameter in the website.

  • Angular is among the most popular JavaScript framework and offers component-based development. 
  • The Angular project contains independent, reusable components following a hierarchal structure.
  • Writing media queries is the most conventional method. However, it is only useful in small codebases to prevent the code from being messy, as in large applications. 
  • The most optimized way to bring responsiveness to the Angular application is by using the API service, BreakpointObserver service, which contains pre-defined CSS for breakpoints without having the write the entire media queries.
Responsive Website Testing

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