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Home Guide Top 10 Python Web Development Frameworks in 2023

Top 10 Python Web Development Frameworks in 2023

By Sourojit Das, Community Contributor -

Python is one of the most popular programming languages in the world, with a 28% market share. Python is used by Google and Netflix for web development. Python programmers utilize pre-built components to save money and reduce time to market. Which Python web frameworks must you use to improve website performance and market time?

Ask any Python coder, novice or expert, and they will affirm its dependability and quickness. According to the Popularity of Programming Language Index, their popularity has increased by 8.7% during the past five years. The TIOBE index places Python online application development in first place among the world’s most popular programming languages.Popular Programming Languages

Python lacks the necessary built-in functionality to expedite the building of custom web applications. As a result, numerous developers opt for Python’s comprehensive array of frameworks to manage execution nuances. These Python frameworks can be used and deployed by developers for web development.

This article reviews the best Python frameworks for web development in 2023.

Top Python Frameworks for Web Development in 2023

1. Django

Django Python Web Development FrameworkDjango is a free, open-source Python framework that enables rapid development of complicated code and applications by programmers. Python web developers can use it to create high-quality web apps.

Django is widely used to construct APIs and web applications and is one of the top Python frameworks. Approximately 12,000 projects are reported to have been created in it. Popularity of the Python framework is due to its extensive library collection, reduced coding requirements, and reusability of components.


  • Helps you define URL patterns for your application.
  • Integrated authentication system.
  • Easy and effective URL scheme.
  • The database language for object-oriented programming that provides the finest data storage and recovery.
  • Customizable modification, addition, and deletion is made possible by the automatic admin interface feature.
  • Several cache mechanisms are supported by a framework for caching.


  • Not ideal for smaller projects, as it is a high-level framework.
  • Can lead to slow websites depending upon the volume of requests to be handled
  • Lacks coding conventions like Rails
  • Needs in-depth knowledge to be effectively used

2. CherryPy

CherryPy Python Web Development FrameworkCherryPy is a lightweight, quick, and stable Python web development framework. It is open-source and can run on any Python-compatible framework.

The CherryPy web framework enables the use of any data access and templating technology. It can perform every function of a web framework, including sessions, file uploads, static content, cookies, etc.

CherryPy also enables developers to create web applications like they would any other object-oriented Python application. This reduces the time required to produce minor source code.


  • A reliable, HTTP/1.1-compliant, thread-pooling WSGI webserver
  • Simple operation of many HTTP servers (e.g., on multiple ports) concurrently.
  • Python 2.7+, Python 3.5+, PyPy, Jython, and Android support.
  • Many integrated utilities for encoding, sessions, caching, authentication, and static content.
  • A robust configuration system for developers and administrators
  • Integrated support for profiling, coverage, and testing


The absence of thorough documentation is the framework’s greatest shortcoming to date, as it makes it difficult for beginners to work.

3. Pyramid

Pyramid Python Web Development FrameworkMozilla, Yelp, Dropbox, and SurveyMonkey are among the IT titans that employ the Pyramid Python web development platform. The framework is popular because of its adaptability and simplicity. Pyramid is written in Python 3.

The Pyramid framework allows developers to create vital online applications and sophisticated projects. Even seasoned Python developers hold it in high respect due to its openness and measurable quality.


  • Capability to perform well with both small and large applications
  • URL mapping in accordance with Routes setup via URL dispatch and WebHelpers HTML structure validation and generation
  • Comprehensive template design and asset information
  • Testing, support, and extensive data documentation
  • Flexible authorization and authentication


  • The Pyramid framework requires advanced, time-consuming tool preparation;
  • Only technicians with extensive knowledge can correctly install the Pyramid’s parts;
  • SQLAlchemy is neither required nor useful for small projects.

4. Grok

Grok Python Web Development FrameworkGrok is a web framework based on the technologies of the Zope toolkit (ZPK). It provides developers with an agile development experience by focusing on two fundamental principles: Convention over configuration and Do not repeat yourself (DRY)

The open-source Grok framework attempts to accelerate application development.

Grok allows developers to select from a variety of network and standalone libraries based on the requirements of a certain task. In addition, the framework’s user interface (UI) is comparable to those of other full-stack Python frameworks, such as Pylons and TurboGears.


  • Provides a solid basis for creating sophisticated and adaptable web apps
  • Allows web developers to take advantage of Zope 3’s capability.
  • A strong object storage database
  • Integrated data security to protect your application and provide authorized users access
  • Grok component architecture helps developers reduce development uncertainty.
  • Provides the building blocks and other critical elements required to create custom web apps for corporate purposes.


  • Readability: Hiding code in parent classes might make your code more elegant; yet, readability (and comprehension) can suffer because not all the code is readily available in a single area.
  • Overkill: If a view’s functionality is unique, it is likely overkill to employ CBVs. Use them wherever you anticipate reusing a section of code across many views.

5. TurboGears

TurboGears Python Web Development FrameworkTurboGears is a Python framework for data-driven, full-stack web applications. It is intended to alleviate the deficiencies of widely used online and mobile app development frameworks. It enables software developers to begin designing web apps with little configuration.

Using a variety of JavaScript development tools, TurboGears enables web developers or Python web development businesses to streamline the construction of Python websites. Developing web apps with SQLAlchemy, Repoze, WebOb, and Genshi is significantly faster than with existing frameworks. It allows many databases and web servers, similar to Pylons.

The framework employs a Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture. In addition, it includes robust formats, an exceptional Object Relational Mapper (ORM), and Ajax for the server and application. Bisque, ShowMeDo, and SourceForge are among the companies that use TurboGears.


  • All characteristics are implemented as function decorators.
  • Multi-database support.
  • Available command-line utilities.
  • MochiKit library integration for JavaScript
  • Architecture in the MVC style and PasteScript templates.
  • ToscaWidgets to facilitate frontend design and server deployment cooperation.


If necessary, the need to enlarge the framework can be challenging.

6. Web2Py

Web2Py Python Web Development FrameworkWeb2Py includes a debugger, a code editor, and a deployment instrument for testing and maintaining web applications. It is a framework that supports multiple platforms, including Windows, Unix/Linux, Mac, Google App Engine, and others.

Using a web server, a SQL database, and an online interface, the framework simplifies Python application development. It let clients to create, modify, deploy, and administer online applications through web browsers.

Web2Py’s key component is a ticketing mechanism that generates tickets when an error occurs. This encourages the client to monitor the status of the error. Moreover, it includes components for managing HTTP requests, responses, sessions, and cookies.


  • Enables configuration over settlement and facilitates speedy web development.
  • MVC Architecture support to simplify web development.
  • Allows developers to interact with widely utilized relational and NoSQL databases.
  • Web-based IDE helps expedite web development tasks such as deleting temporary files, modifying application files, running tests, and browsing past tickets.
  • It includes Helpful Batteries for constructing web applications without other tools or services.
  • Maintains the security of online applications by addressing major vulnerabilities and security concerns.


  • Inflexible plug-in system; 
  • System management difficulties for loading data models
  • There is no Python 3 support.

7. Flask

Flask Python Web Development FrameworkInspired by the Sinatra Ruby framework, Flask is a Python framework available under the BSD license. The Werkzeug WSGI toolkit and Jinja2 template are utilized by Flask. The primary objective is to help build a solid foundation for online applications.

Python’s backend framework can be developed however the developer sees fit. Yet, it was built for flexible applications. Flask has been utilized by several corporations, including LinkedIn and Pinterest.

Flask is better suited for tiny and simple projects than Django. Hence, you can anticipate web server development, Google App Engine support, and integrated unit testing.


  • Built-in development server with debugger.
  • RESTful request dispatching.
  • Integrated support for unit testing (code with quality).
  • Uses Jinja2 templating (tags, filters, macros, and more).
  • 100% WSGI 1.0 compatible.
  • Several community-developed extensions provide the incorporation of new functionality.


This framework can only be handled by highly qualified Flask developers, as it needs greater attention to detail and a deeper understanding of their relationships.

8. Bottle

Bottle Python Web Development FraemworkThe bottle is one of the top Python web frameworks that belongs to the category of small-scale frameworks. It was first designed for constructing web APIs. Moreover, Bottle attempts to execute everything contained in a single source page. It has no dependencies outside of the Python Standard Library.

Bottle’s out-of-the-box features consist of templating, utilities, direction, and basic abstractions over the WSGI standard. You will be coding substantially closer to the metal than with a full-stack framework, comparable to Flask.

Bottle allows developers to work more closely with hardware. It is also a good location to learn Python frameworks and prototyping, in addition to building simple programs for personal usage. Netflix, for instance, has utilized Bottle for their online interfaces.


  • Using a simpler syntax, URL routes for mapping that are flawless and dynamic.
  • Swift and Python-based inbuilt template engine and support.
  • The WSGI framework is compatible with CGI, and its internals are accessible.
  • Allows straightforward access to data, cookies, file uploads, and other HTTP-related metadata.
  • Included HTTP server with support for glue, fapws3, flup, and other WSGI-capable HTTP servers.
  • Acceleration enhancements for testing and high performance.


  • Due to its diminutive size, the framework is only suited for small applications and can only rely on the standard Python library.
  • The framework community is extremely limited in documentation and examples of use.

9. Tornado

Tornado Python Web Development FrarmeworkTornado is a Python web framework and unconventional library framework. It employs a non-blocking I/O framework. In addition, the framework resolves the C10k issue (meaning that, when properly configured, it can handle more than 10,000 simultaneous connections).

This makes it an exceptional instrument for developing apps with a large number of concurrent users.


  • Allows third-party authentication and authorisation mechanisms to be implemented.
  • Better quality, real-time services, and HTTP clients that do not block.
  • It produces high-quality results.
  • Assistance in translation and localization.
  • Support for user authentication and Web templates.


  • Overkill: If a view’s functionality is unique, it is likely overkill to employ CBVs. Use them wherever you anticipate reusing a section of code across many views.

10. BlueBream

BlueBream Python Web Development FrameworkBlueBream is an open-source framework, server, and library for building online applications. It was formerly known as Zope 3 and was created by the Zope team. This framework is best suited for medium to large-scale operations that are divided into multiple reusable and well-adapted portions.

BlueBream relies upon Zoop Toolkit (ZTK). It possesses extensive periods of experience, guaranteeing that it satisfies the primary requirements for enduring, consistent, and adaptable programming.


  • Focus on Web Server Gateway Interface (WSGI) compatibility with Python.
  • Frameworks for unit and functional testing.
  • The key method for approaches to improve security.
  • A language compliant with XHTML for developing templates.
  • A tool for generating forms automatically.
  • The Zope Component Architecture (ZCA) implements the principle of separation of concerns in order to create robust, reusable components.


  • Compared to other web frameworks, BlueBream has a rather high learning curve, especially for developers who are new to Python or the Zope framework. This can make it challenging for novice developers to begin using BlueBream.
  • BlueBeam might be difficult to utilize, particularly for simple or modest tasks. Some developers may find the component-based architecture and enormous number of capabilities supplied by the framework to be daunting.
  • BlueBream is not as popular as other web frameworks such as Django or Flask, hence there may be fewer developers and fewer resources available to support it.
  • BlueBream’s performance can be slower than other web frameworks, particularly for large and complicated projects. This may be the result of the BlueBream-based Zope framework’s overhead.
  • Although BlueBream is designed to be scalable, it may not be the optimal solution for large, high-traffic applications that require horizontal scaling across numerous servers.
  • BlueBream is a mature framework, but its complexity and lack of popularity can make it challenging to get assistance and resources for maintenance and upgrades.

To Sum Up

The Python web frameworks expedite and simplify the development process by providing a set of packages and modules that enable programmers to create web applications and services. Web frameworks liberate software programmers from mundane chores such as maintaining low-level aspects such as protocols and thread management, allowing them to focus on application logic.

The construction of a website is not dependent exclusively on user-friendly web development frameworks. To ensure the highest quality of the project, you must additionally evaluate their functionality on actual devices and web browsers. Developers are urged not to rely on device emulators when testing the aesthetic or functional proficiency of online platforms, as simulated testing lacks the authenticity of actual user conditions.

It is essential to test websites across multiple browsers, devices, and operating systems in order to accurately assess the breadth of the user experience. For the ideal delivery of a development project, you can rely on BrowserStack and its automation testing solutions to speed the testing of a website built on CSS frameworks. It enables developers to test websites and applications on more than 3,000 genuine devices and browsers.

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