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Home Guide DevOps Engineer vs Full Stack Developer: Differences

DevOps Engineer vs Full Stack Developer: Differences

By Shormistha Chatterjee, Community Contributor -

Tech has stood as a steadfast pillar for numerous businesses throughout the years. And the growing need for product releases has opened up software engineer roles such as Full Stack Develoers & DevOps engineers amongst companies. A DevOps engineer and a full-stack developer are both responsible for the advanced software development process. 

  • HackerEarth even mentioned that the developer community grow stronger in these months; it now positions at 5.5 million. 
  • Besides the Hacker Developers Skills Report 2020 stated that “the demand for Full-Stack Coders is rapidly increasing. 
  • Of the recruitment managers interviewed, 38.0 percent said Full-Stack Coders comes under the chief role to fill in the year 2020”. 

Developers Stats


Undoubtedly, both full-stack developers and DevOps Engineers can aid every organization deploy their software faster & build processes that give extreme productivity. Hence it is important to learn the similarities and difference between full stack and DevOps that will help you choose the best possible option. 

Who are Full Stack Developers?

They are responsible for developing as well as designing web apps. They work with both back-end and front-end web technologies. 

  • Full Stack Developers should have a strong know-how of front-end technologies like  JavaScript, HTML/HTML5, and CSS.
  • They should also be skilled with server-side languages such as Ruby on Rails, Node.js, and PHP. 
  • Full Stack Developers often need to know database technologies such as Cassandra, MongoDB, and MySQL. 
  • In a few cases, they might also be responsible for managing web servers & hosting environments.

Key Responsibilities of Full-Stack Developers/Coders

The main purpose of the Full-Stack Coders is to observe and keep track of every facet of software development within an organization. They are involved in each layer of development programming, like the data layer, logic layer, and presentation layer.

  • Developing & Designing APIs 
  • Forming front-end web architecture
  • Developing UI on the website page
  • Meeting both consumer & technical requirements 
  • Confirming cross-platform mobile phones optimization 
  • Staying updated on developments in web applications and programming languages 

Who are DevOps Engineers?

DevOps generally means development plus operations. it is an enterprise software development phrase mainly used for stating a type of agile relationship between software development and IT operations. 

The key purpose of DevOps is to enhance and change the association by advocating advanced communication and collaboration between the two business units. 

  • DevOps Engineers are mainly IT specialists with expertise in coding, scripting, and managing the complete operation of product development & deployment. 
  • Such developers renovate the old ways of software development, testing, and operations teams into a holistic environment for top-quality product development.
  • These developers combine their in-depth knowledge as well as hands-on experience in software development with core business analytics expertise and know-how to propose innovative business solutions.

Must-Know: Expert DevOps engineers are in great demand and, depending on the particular responsibilities of the role, salaries for the jobs in the USA hover around USD 125k annually however, can hit over USD 170k annually in specific states.

Key Responsibilities of DevOps Engineers:

  • Performance management 
  • Project planning & development 
  • Project deployment
  • Code Testing & deployment 
  • Maintenance & Troubleshooting 
  • Script language programming & Source-code Management 

The role of DevOps Engineers is extremely demanding and versatile. These developers need to work upon an extensive range of jobs to meet their core responsibilities, counting coding, scripting, and re-engineering. 

However, successful DevOps execution depends heavily on automation. It is extreme significance to use the appropriate test automation frameworks, established in the correct toolchains that will automate huge sections of the development & deployment pipeline.


  • BrowserStack gives the industry-leading infra for testing on real devices, browsers, and OSs. 
  • Given the supremacy of DevOps to modern software development, the cloud grid is designed to align with DevOps-driven workflows. 
  • Integrations with famous CI/CD tools – TeamCity, Jenkins, GitLab, Travis CI, Bamboo, Circle CI, and Azure Pipelines make it a breeze for DevOps teams.

DevOps vs Full stack Developer: Differences

Let us look into the differences between the roles and responsibilities of a Full stack developer vs a DevOps Engineer.  

ParameterFull stack developerDevOps Engineer
Job DutiesFull-stack developers chiefly handle the formation, management, and security of an app or software programIn contrast, DevOps engineers focus on automating procedures & ensuring that IT operations run flawlessly. 
Job RequirementsFull-stack developers need to have expertise working with varied programming languages and know-how in developing software for several platforms. DevOps experts must be familiar with varied tools that can aid them to automate tasks, like code testing & deployments.
Work EnvironmentFull-stack developers can work in any workplace setting, however, they might also travel to clientele sites. They spend most of their time working on projects & collaborating with other teams.DevOps experts often work in a collaborative surrounding where they can collaborate with software engineers and IT teams. Their work environ are generally fast-paced & requires them to adapt rapidly to new challenges.
SkillsFull-stack developers tend to concentrate extremely on front-end development, which means they spend extra time working on the UI as well as ensuring that it is simple to use.DevOps engineer, on the flip side, concentrates more on back-end development as well as infrastructure, which means, they are responsible for developing plus managing the networks, servers, and databases that power apps.
DrawbacksWhen the newest technologies come into the marketplace it becomes tricky for a full-stack developer to learn them and execute that in their work.They must be ready to face problems of various forms. Mainly they work in solitude so often they feel alone and this proves to be a key problem for anyone.

DevOps and Full Stack Development: Which one should you Choose?

Both DevOps engineering and full-stack development are significant within the software development arena. 

  • DevOps engineers are in charge of developing and managing the infrastructure that lets software apps run efficiently and smoothly. 
  • Full-stack developers are responsible for designing, coding, testing, as well as delivering software apps. 
  • Both roles require a strong know-how of web development technologies and tools and programming languages.  

The selection between full-stack development and DevOps engineering is truly a matter of personal choice. 

  • If you are interested in specializing in a specific zone, then DevOps engineering may be the appropriate choice for you. 
  • If you desire to work on a set of projects and have a more general know-how of software development, then full-stack development may be a great fit. 

Eventually, the decision comes down to what you are most interested in & what you feel will assist you move your career. Let us compare some of the advantages of a DevOps vs a full-stack developer to assist you to decide which one you can select as your potential career.  

Pros of a Full stack Developer

  • They can easily switch between front-end and back-end work determined by your project’s parameters. 
  • You won’t be constrained by a solo framework trait in full-stack development. 
  • Whilst working on full-stack development, a developer can assist you with an extensive range of tasks. It comprises web coding, design structure, and other aspects. 
  • A developer can manage and handle the complete design—besides, the creation of your project. 
  • They are highly skilled at adapting to new changes and ideas and, as a result, are in great demand. 

Pros of a DevOps Engineer

DevOps Engineers practice agile & lean approaches to modify IT culture. They also deliver IT solutions/ services on time. Besides, it also makes it easier for operations and developers teams to collaborate. Some of the advantages to get DevOps development training to comprise:  

  • They build quality services by utilizing DevOps processes. 
  • DevOps Engineer assists in controlling unnecessary capital expenditures. They also enable speedy duplication and delivery.  
  • DevOps Engineers mitigate errors/ bugs & difficulties regularly. 
  • They increase information security and safety as they are specialized in specific tasks. 


Both offshore DevOps Engineers and full-stack programmers have their flaws and qualities. However, the future looks very bright for the DevOps and Full-stack Developer industry and an increasing number of companies maintain that it has had a positive effect on their enterprise to date. 

DevOps Engineer vs Full Stack Developer: Differences

In some cases, Full-Stack Coders might assist you in driving the progress while in other cases, DevOps Engineers will push the software project a little frontward. 

So, there is no fixed path when you decide to hire DevOps Engineers or Full-Stack Developers for your next software development project, the choice is yours, based on your expected agility, requirements, budget, time availability, and software stack complexity.

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