Cypress testing on BrowserStack Cloud

At BrowserStack, we make it our mission to make developers' and QAs' lives easier—by providing an out-of-box infrastructure for automated testing at scale: One that works cohesively with all the tools and frameworks in their workflow.

And so, on July 1st, 2020, we introduced support for Cypress on BrowserStack Automate, becoming the first cloud infrastructure for running Cypress test automation out-of-the-box.

Cypress is a JavaScript-based test automation tool that’s used by millions of front-end developers and testers. With this integration, you can run Cypress tests on the BrowserStack infrastructure automatically at every PR in your CI pipeline. We built this integration to equip teams using Cypress with the coverage and scale of end-to-end testing on the cloud. Modern web development teams can now continuously run Cypress tests on multiple browsers in parallel–without having to continually update browser versions or maintain docker containers at every test run.

Key Features

Here’s what BrowserStack can add to your existing Cypress (4.0 and above) test runs:

The integration is in stable beta and ready to be plugged into your existing release pipelines.

Get started in 3 easy steps

You can start running Cypress tests on our cloud infrastructure in less than 5 minutes. Here’s how:

  1. Install the test runner (BrowserStack-Cypress CLI) via npm.
    $ npm install -g browserstack-cypress-cli
  2. Generate a browserstack.json file and add the browsers and OSs you want to test against in it.
    $ browserstack-cypress init
  3. Authenticate and trigger the test run.
    $ browserstack-cypress run --username <Your Username> --key <Your BrowserStack key>

Check out the documentation for more details on how to configure your Cypress tests to run on BrowserStack. Support for Cypress tests is covered in your Automate plans. You can also sign up to try it for free.

Happy testing!