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Home Guide 10 Tips for Designing a Mobile-Friendly Website and App

10 Tips for Designing a Mobile-Friendly Website and App

By Sanghita Ganguly, Community Contributors -

According to Stats, the number of users accessing the internet via smartphones will be nearly 3.7 billion by 2025. These statistics clearly show the importance of having a mobile-friendly website & application in today’s world. So if you have a website or application (and if it’s not mobile-friendly), it’s time to design them in a mobile-friendly way and help your brand stand out.

In this guide, we’ve handpicked the top 10 mobile-friendly design tips that help you to design a mobile-friendly website & app along with its benefits for your business. 

Let’s get started!

Tips to make your Website & Application Mobile-Friendly

It’s important to make your website & application mobile-friendly because every mobile has a unique screen size and resolution. Hence, your website & application must be responsive & compatible with every screen size. By following the given mobile-friendly design tips, you can take the mobile-first design idealogy to make your website & application mobile responsive:

1. Make it Mobile Responsive

In the first step, you need to focus on making a website & application mobile responsive design. You can choose a mobile-friendly theme or template for your website. So, do detailed research and find your website’s most relevant and mobile-friendly template or theme. Many popular website builders platforms come with mobile-friendly and beautiful templates for your websites, such as WordPress, Squarespace, Wix, ThemeForest, and many more. 

When you create an application with a fast response and user-friendly interface,  it enhances the overall user experience. 

If you’re wondering – how to check your website’s responsive design?

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BrowserStack’s Responsive Checker Tool allows you to do a quick test. Just enter your website URL and click “Check,” and immediately, you’ll see recommendations of real devices & browsers, including Samsung note 10, iPhone X, iPad Pro, etc., to check your website responsiveness.

Free Responsive Test on Commonly Used Resolutions

Try testing the responsiveness of your website on real devices.

2. Build for Speed

Speed is the biggest factor in a website. According to statistics, 47% of visitors abandon a website if it takes more than 3 seconds to load. So, increase your website & application speed to get ahead of the competition. 

  • For Websites, speed is the preferred ranking factor, and those websites will not get a ranking who’s taking more than 5-6 seconds to load. 
  • To increase your website loading speed, you need to compress your files like images & CSS as light as possible. So it’s easy to load and takes less time.
  • To increase an application’s speed, try to keep the interface clean & simple, which helps users to run the application without any glitches and load faster and easily.

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BrowserStack’s SpeedLab is a best-fit platform to evaluate your website speed. You can simply put your website URL and get detailed insights to report that tell your website score and speed on multiple devices and browsers.

Try SpeedLab for Free

3. Clear Call to Actions (CTAs)

Call to action (CTAs) are nothing but commands or actions that you give to the visitors who are active on your website or application. Place the right CTAs on your website and application so that whenever visitors read your given content, you strategically guide them with actions to get desired results. But don’t overwhelm visitors with multiple CTAs and confuse them.

4. Easy Navigation Interface

One of the top mobile-friendly website tips includes developing easy navigation. Whenever visitors land on your website, a user should easily understand your website structure and take desired actions without any confusion. 

Suppose a visitor comes to your website to buy a specific product, do not overwhelm them with product recommendations, newsletter subscriptions & deals. In that case, you only need to provide the most effortless buying process. So that visitors can pick the product and purchase it in seconds without seeing it elsewhere.

  • In application development, a popular model, i.e., the KISS (Keep it simple stupid) model, is used to build an application with a user-friendly interface, easy navigation features, and minimal tasks.
  • Any users can land on your application, take desired actions without being distracted anywhere and end up with a simple buying process. 
  • It also requires a focus on colors, themes, and backgrounds that need to be soft and smoother for a smooth end-user experience.  

5.  Integrate with the Best 

To build an application & website mobile-friendly and responsive, you don’t need to build all the features yourself. You can leverage the power of third-party Integration and add other features to your website and application without building it yourself. 

Such as chatbots, payment gateways, file sharing, product listings, etc., can easily be added from third parties without extra effort. So try to integrate with the best tools possible and make your website & application lightweight, faster and responsive.

6. Make it Secured

A mobile-friendly website & application is not about an easy-to-use interface but also comes with a safe environment where users can trust your platform and transact securely with authorized payment gateways.

Try to add only trustworthy payment gateways to your website & application to make it more secure and reliable. 

Note: BrowserStack testing guarantees absolute security when it comes to your data. It is SOC2 Type 2 compliant, HTTPS being the default implementation, along with the privacy policy being in compliance with the GDPR regulation. 

7. Minimize the Menu

Minimizing the menu section can optimize your website & application performance and make it mobile-friendly. Instead of showing all the menu options in front of the display, you can hide the menu options in one bar. It helps to arrange the menu options easily and increase the loading speed of your website & application.

8. Add a Search Function

Developing and perfecting a fully functional Search Option is an indispensable element of e-commerce app testing techniques. According to studies, around 30% of visitors use a search bar when it’s added. It helps you to enhance the user experience as a search bar helps your potential customers to find what they are looking for without any hassle. Hence, it amplifies the conversion rates. 

9. Consider the Font & Size

Fonts, and their size plays a significant role in the appearance of the website and application. If you’re optimizing your mobile application and website, make sure to keep the fonts small, attractive, and best fit for screen size. 

Analyze your website and application demand and choose the best-fit font with the proper size to enhance visibility and make your website & application mobile-friendly.  

10. Test on Real Device Cloud

Once you’ve done all the changes as per the given mobile-friendly test and tips, including mobile-friendly Interface, high-speed optimization, CTAs, and easy navigation interface, then it’s time to test your website and application to see if the improvements you’ve made are worthy for users or require more effort.

Test on Real Device Cloud

Test Website on Real Mobile Devices

To test your website, BrowserStack Live is a one-stop testing solution that comes with 3000+ real mobile devices & browsers to test your website interface, performance, speed, and navigation system and get a detailed analysis report about your website.


Test Mobile Apps on Real Mobile Devices

To test your application, BrowserStack App Live comes with support for thousands of real Android and iOS devices where you can do testing on your application and easily find bugs to resolve without any technical support. Apart from the usual debugging, you can go above and beyond with the following: 


In today’s world, having a mobile-friendly website & application is essential to get ahead of the competition. But without testing, the process is incomplete, and BrowserStack testing infrastructure assists you through and through in this process. With this facility, you can now check the potential of your app and website on real devices and browsers.

Test on Real Device Cloud for Free

Mobile App Testing Real Device Cloud Website Testing

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