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Home Guide How to write a Test Strategy Document

How to write a Test Strategy Document

By Sourojit Das, Community Contributor -

A Test Strategy is a plan that defines the testing approach and provides answers to questions such as what is to be accomplished and how it will be accomplished. It is the most critical document for every QA team in software testing, and every tester gains the ability to write it successfully via experience.

Test strategy is a crucial component of the testing process that is motivated by business needs. It describes the necessary testing procedures to ensure that a quality product is generated. It assists in defining both test coverage and testing scope, ensuring that the team is aware of the project’s scope. It should encompass all components of the testing process, from manual and automation testing to non-functional requirements (NFRs) including performance testing and security testing.

This article will go into depth into what a Test Strategy document is, how to make one, and why it is crucial in software development lifecycle processes.

Types of Test Strategy

  • Analytical Strategy: This procedure employs formal and informal techniques to evaluate and rank the hazards associated with testing. Analytical testing provides an overview of the testing’s needs, process, and implementation in order to define its purpose.
  • Model-based Strategy: This technique tests the functionality of the program based on a real-world situation (like software functioning in an organization). Model-based testing detects the data domain and selects the optimal test cases according to the error probability in the data domain.
  • Regression-based Strategy: Here, the testing methodologies prioritize mitigating the risk of regression for both functional and non-functional product components. Additionally, they can use GUI-based automation tools to run the tests anytime the application is modified.
  • Standards or compliance-based Strategy: In this approach, testers follow the processes or rules determined by a committee for standards or panel of enterprise specialists, such as HIPAA, FDA, etc., to set test conditions, test cases, and the testing team.
  • Methodical Strategy: This technique examines the application’s functionalities in accordance with the user-centered check list. Functionality, dependability, usability, and performance are some of the essential features of software that are tested by software testers.
  • Process-oriented Strategy: It verifies the software in accordance with established standards, including IEEE standards.
  • Dynamic Testing Strategy: After obtaining the inputs of the team as a whole, software is subjected to dynamic testing in order to determine its quality.
  • Philosophical testing Strategy: It examines the software to determine if any component could break or cease functioning at any time.

Test Plan vs Test Strategy

A test plan specifies the scope, aim, and important elements of software testing, whereas a test strategy defines the testing methodologies and approaches.

Test PlanTest Strategy
A test plan is a document that specifies the scope, aim, methodology, and focus of a software testing endeavor.A test strategy is a collection of recommendations that explain the test design and testing procedures.
Test plan id, testing features, types & jobs, pass/fail criteria, test deliverables, team roles, release timetable, etc. are essential parts.Important factors include – scope, formats, processes, tools, reporting, client communication, etc.
This is usually created at the project levelThis is often at the organisation level
It defines the exact actions required to be undertaken for testingIt defines the overarching vision required for testing
It is used to determine the scope of test coverageIt is used to determine the test objectives
It is generally composed by the test lead or managerIt is composed by the project manager along with the business stakeholders

What is a Test Strategy Document?

A test strategy document is a high-level document that outlines the testing methodology. In this section, we record the test objectives and a set of suggestions for achieving them. It is delivered by the project manager to all testing process stakeholders. Its scope may encompass a full corporation or a specific project.

Benefits of a Test Strategy Document

  • Enables usable software: In addition to discovering software problems, an effective testing strategy should also evaluate the software’s portability and usability.
  • Gives quantitative metrics: Test strategies adhere to a certified methodology for describing software criteria, such as the expected software output, efficacy, and average time to failure.
  • Allows for continuous process improvement: It should improve testing procedures and continue to make them more efficient.
  • Sets norms for agile software development: Rapid software testing feedback may be utilised to regulate the associated tactics. In addition, an efficient testing method enables the development of software that can self-test utilising intelligent debugging techniques.

Test Strategy Template

Every organisation has its own priorities and set of standards for software design, therefore do not mindlessly imitate any corporation. Before using a template, confirm that the document is compatible and brings value to your software development.

A document detailing a test strategy may include the following sections:

  1. Test Strategy-ID: A identifier for the document containing the test strategy and its many variants.
  2. Introduction: A concise summary of the document’s intent and scope.
  3. Standards to be used: The different criteria or set of guidelines that must be adhered to.
  4. Risks and Mitigations: The many testing-related risks and their respective mitigation measures.
  5. Entrance Requirements: The prerequisites that must be met before testing may begin.
  6. Exit Criteria: The conditions that define when testing may be terminated.
  7. Test Design Techniques: The test design techniques to be applied like- equivalence partitioning, boundary value analysis, etc.
  8. Test Environment: The test environment standards.
  9. Configuration management of testware: The specification of the appropriate testware version.
  10. Test process improvement: Test process enhancement refers to the techniques used to enhance the testing procedure.
  11. Approvals: The individuals who approve the test strategy paper.

Steps to Prepare a Test Strategy Document 

  • Scope and overview: In this section, we define the project overview and the target audience for the document. In addition, testing activities and their timelines are outlined. The reviewers and approvers of the document are also noted inside this section.
  • Test Methodology: In this step, the entire testing procedure and the roles and duties of each team member are specified. This section also defines elements such as the sort of testing to do and the use of automation technologies.
  • Test Environment: At this stage, we specify the various testing environments employed throughout the testing procedure. For instance, there could be a separate testing environment for each member or stakeholder group.
  • Tools: Here, we can define the many tools used for various processes, such as those for test management, automation testing, performance testing, and security testing, etc.
  • Release Management: In this section, a plan for release management is outlined to aid with version history maintenance.
  • Risks and Mitigations: Here, the various testing-related risks and their respective mitigation measures are defined.
  • Review and Approvals: The many stakeholders review and sign off on the various activity areas.

In addition, the document’s revision history is indicated at the beginning of the document.

To Sum Up

A test strategy ensures that everything else you do when testing an application aligns with the project’s objectives. This alignment helps to reduce wasted time and effort by ensuring that the appropriate tests are conducted for the proper reasons.

A test strategy is not a replacement for a test plan, but there are instances when it is sufficient to communicate the objectives, risks, and responsibilities of a test. This choice is dependent on the nature of the project. The bigger the scale, danger, and complexity, the greater the need for effective communication and preparation, which may be achieved with the use of a test plan.

Developing new software is the most important responsibility for businesses striving to compete in the present industry. Numerous organisations are hindered by unreliable scripting, manual interventions, complex processes, and huge unreliable tool stacks across diverse infrastructure. Software teams must race to comprehend their software supply chain and determine the root cause of issues. It is time to implement a new testing strategy for nightly and daily builds.

In doing so, teams run the danger of releasing poorly tested products. All software testing should ideally be conducted under actual user conditions. Teams typically utilize an internal test lab or the capacity of the real-device cloud to conduct manual and automated browser and operating system testing. For optimum test coverage, BrowserStack allows you to test your web and mobile applications on over 3000 genuine devices and browsers.

Enterprises can now leverage BrowserStack integration with Slack to share test strategy progress with the stakeholders. 

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