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SDK framework coverage

This page provides SDK framework coverage information

The following table shows the language and framework combinations for Percy and App Percy with the BrowserStack SDK. We have three statuses, each indicated by the respective icon as listed:

Status Icon Description
Fully supported Fully supported Set percyCaptureMode: auto in BrowserStack config file and Percy automatically capture screenshots on common events such as screenshot, click, and sendKeys.
Partially supported Partially supported Set percyCaptureMode: manual in BrowserStack config file and manually capture screenshots.
Not supported Not supported Currently we do not support these language and framework combinations using the BrowserStack SDK.
Language Framework Percy on Automate App Percy
Java Vanilla Partially supported Partially supported
Java TestNG Fully supported Fully supported
Java JUnit 4 Partially supported Partially supported
Java JUnit 5 Partially supported Partially supported
Java Cucumber - TestNG Fully supported Fully supported
Java Cucumber - CLI Partially supported Partially supported
Java Cucumber - JUnit 4 Partially supported Partially supported
Java Cucumber - JUnit 5 Partially supported Partially supported
Java Gauge Not supported Not supported
Java Playwright Junit5 Not supported Not supported
Java Serenity Partially supported Partially supported
Java Selenide Partially supported Partially supported
Java JBehave Partially supported Partially supported
Node Cypress Not supported Not supported
Node Playwright Test Runner Not supported Not supported
Node Puppeteer Not supported Not supported
Node Vanilla Not supported Not supported
Node WebdriverIO Fully supported Fully supported
Node Jest Fully supported Fully supported
Node Mocha Fully supported Fully supported
Node Cucumber.js Not supported Not supported
Node Nightwatch Not supported Not supported
Node Codecept Not supported Not supported
Node Playwright - Codecept Not supported Not supported
Node Protractor, WD Not supported Not supported
Node Karma Not supported Not supported
Node TestCafe Not supported Not supported
Node Jasmine Not supported Not supported
Python Playwright Pytest Not supported Not supported
Python Vanilla Not supported Not supported
Python Robot Not supported Fully supported
Python Pytest Not supported Fully supported
Python Behave Not supported Not supported
C# Playwright NUnit Not supported Not supported
C# Vanilla Partially supported Partially supported
C# NUnit Fully supported Fully supported
C# XUnit Fully supported Fully supported
C# MSTest Not supported Not supported
C# Playwright - MSTest Not supported Not supported
C# Specflow Fully supported Fully supported
C# MBUnit Not supported Not supported
C# PNUnit Not supported Not supported

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