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Network logs

Network Logs capture performance data such as network traffic, latency, HTTP requests and responses in the HAR (HTTP Archive) format. You can leverage network logs to get a clear picture of all the network requests that happen within your app, and the time taken for each of these requests. You can download network logs using both the App Automate dashboard, as well as using our REST API. You can visualize HAR files using the HAR Viewer.

Network logs are disabled by default. To disable device logs, use the browserstack.networkLogs capability.

Capability Description Value
browserstack.networkLogs Capture network logs for your test true, false
Default: false

Example :

desired_caps = {
    'browserstack.networkLogs': 'true'
DesiredCapabilities desiredCapabilities = new DesiredCapabilities();
desiredCapabilities.setCapability("browserstack.networkLogs", "true");
desired_cap = {
	'browserstack.networkLogs': 'true'
var capabilities = {
	'browserstack.networkLogs': 'true',
DesiredCapabilities capability = new DesiredCapabilities();
capability.SetCapability("browserstack.networkLogs", "true");
$capabilities = new DesiredCapabilities();
$capabilities->setCapability("browserstack.networkLogs", "true");

View network logs on the dashboard:

You can download network logs using the ‘Raw Network Logs’ link on the App Automate dashboard :

Network logs on app automate dashboard

Example network logs:

Sample Network Logs output

Import network logs using REST API:

curl -u "YOUR_USERNAME:YOUR_ACCESS_KEY"<build-id>/sessions/<session-id>/networklogs

Note: You may experience minor impact on test execution speed when Network Logs are enabled

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