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Change device settings on iOS devices

You can change the following settings on iOS devices:

Dark Mode

Dark mode is available only under Device Cloud Pro, Device Cloud Pro + Visual Cloud, and Enterprise Pro plans. For more details check out our pricing page.

Dark Mode setting is the system-wide appearance that uses a dark interface background to enable better viewing in low-light conditions. The Dark Mode setting makes foreground content appear more vibrant in contrast to darker backgrounds.

You can test different scenarios for your app that supports dark mode by enabling the setting on remote BrowserStack iOS devices.

This guide helps you with:

Supported devices and OS

Devices OS Version
iPhones and iPads iOS 13 and above

Enable dark mode setting using a capability

Use the following capability in your test scripts.

If you are using BrowserStack SDK, you can set the following capability within the browserstack.yml file:

Capability Description
updateIosDeviceSettings Set darkMode configuration to "true" inside the updateIosDeviceSettings capability to enable dark mode setting on the device
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BrowserStack SDK is a plug-n-play solution that takes care of all the integration steps for you. Using the BrowserStack SDK is the recommended integration method for your project. To know more, visit the SDK core concepts page.

Capability Description
updateIosDeviceSettings Set darkMode configuration to "true" inside the updateIosDeviceSettings capability to enable dark mode setting on the device


DesiredCapabilities capabilities = new DesiredCapabilities();
HashMap<String, Object> browserstackOptions = new HashMap<String, Object>();
HashMap<String, Boolean> options = new HashMap<>();
options.put("darkMode", true);

browserstackOptions.put("updateIosDeviceSettings", options);

capabilities.setCapability("bstack:options", browserstackOptions);
var capabilities = {
	'bstack:options' : {
		"updateIosDeviceSettings" : {
            "darkMode" : "true" 
AppiumOptions capabilities = new AppiumOptions();
Dictionary<string, object> browserstackOptions = new Dictionary<string, object>();
Dictionary<string, object> updateIosDeviceSettings = new Dictionary<string, object>();
updateIosDeviceSettings.Add("darkMode", "true");
browserstackOptions.Add("updateIosDeviceSettings", updateIosDeviceSettings);
capabilities.AddAdditionalCapability("bstack:options", browserstackOptions);
desired_cap = {
    'bstack:options' : {
        "updateIosDeviceSettings" : {
            "darkMode" : "true"
capabilities = {
	'bstack:options' => {
        "updateIosDeviceSettings" => {
            "darkMode" => "true"
Capability Description
browserstack.updateIosDeviceSettings Set darkMode configuration to "true" inside the browserstack.updateIosDeviceSettings capability to enable dark mode setting on the device


DesiredCapabilities caps = new DesiredCapabilities();
HashMap<String, Boolean> updateDeviceSettings = new HashMap<>();
updateDeviceSettings.put("darkMode", true);

caps.setCapability("browserstack.updateIosDeviceSettings", updateDeviceSettings);
var capabilities = {
	"browserstack.updateIosDeviceSettings" : {
        "darkMode" : "true" 
AppiumOptions capabilities = new AppiumOptions();
Dictionary<string, object> updateIosDeviceSettings = new Dictionary<string, object>();
capabilities.AddAdditionalCapability("browserstack.updateIosDeviceSettings", updateIosDeviceSettings);

desired_cap = {
    "browserstack.updateIosDeviceSettings" : {
        "darkMode" : "true"
capabilities = {
        "browserstack.updateIosDeviceSettings" => {
            "darkMode" => "true"

Location Services

You can turn location services ON or OFF on BrowserStack iOS devices while running an appium test session to test functionalities that are dependent on modifying the setting. App Automate supports this feature through an automated test script.

In this guide, you will learn about

Supported devices and OS versions

The following table lists the devices and OS versions on which the feature is currently supported:

Devices OS version
iPhones and iPads v15 and above

Toggle location services using custom BrowserStack executor

Set the action type as updateIosDeviceSettings and set the input to the argument LocationServices as ON or OFF in the BrowserStack JavaScript executor to enable or disable location services during the test session.

As an example, the following code snippet demonstrates how to use the BrowserStack JavaScript executor to disable location services:

JavascriptExecutor jse = (JavascriptExecutor)driver;
jse.executeScript("browserstack_executor: {
          \"arguments\": {
             \"LocationServices\" : \"OFF\"
await driver.execute("browserstack_executor: {
          \"arguments\": {
             \"LocationServices\" : \"OFF\"
driver.execute_script("browserstack_executor: {
          \"arguments\": {
             \"LocationServices\" : \"OFF\"
caps["javascriptEnabled"] = "true" #include this capability for JavaScript executors to work
driver.execute_script("browserstack_executor: {
          \"arguments\": {
             \"LocationServices\" : \"OFF\"
((IJavaScriptExecutor)driver).ExecuteScript("browserstack_executor: {
          \"arguments\": {
            \"LocationServices\" : \"OFF\"

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