Accessibility Monitoring

Do you want to monitor Accessibility compliance for your website? Schedule Accessibility Monitoring for your website as per WCAG Guidelines in a single scan!
Run Accessibility Scan

Monitor Accessibility Compliance with Website Scanner

Scan multiple URLs in one go or schedule scans for ongoing accessibility monitoring with Website Scanner in BrowserStack Accessibility Tool. Gain insights into historical issue trends or delve deeper with issue summaries and detailed test logs for comprehensive debugging of web accessibility issues.

Accessibility Tests using Workflow Scanner

How does Website Accessibility Monitoring Tool work

BrowserStack Accessibility Testing is an integrated platform that runs schedule scans for accessibility monitoring, detects accessibility issues and shares detailed reports. 

Schedule Accessibility Monitoring with Website Scanner

  1. On the Accessibility Testing Dashboard, click Website scanner.
  2. Click New website scan to schedule a recurring scan or run a one-time scan.
  3. Set up the scan. In the Set up a website scan modal. Click Create.
  4. Get detailed reports in the inbox.
  5. To access the website scan reports, navigate to the Website Scanner section and select the desired report from the Scan summary.

Talk to an Expert


Follows WCAG Compliance

You can choose WCAG Compliance Level for Accessibility Monitoring. Website Scanner supports WCAG 2.0, 2.1 and 2.2 compliance.

Enhanced Debugging

Get historical trends of your website’s accessibility health, smart issue summaries, & test logs for better Root Cause Analysis and enhanced debugging

Test any workflow in a single scan

Scan any number of Pages

Quickly assess the accessibility status for your entire website or specific web pages. Add the URLs, start the scanner, and get a detailed report.

Get Detailed Reports in your inbox

Access detailed auto-generated test reports & smart issue summaries sent in your email after every schedule scan. Easily monitor and track accessibility. 

Monitor daily or weekly

Effectively debug accessibility issues & save time on VPAT reports with automatic grouping issues by the violated WCAG guideline.

Website Scanner for monitoring

Monitor pages behind Login Wall

You can add login configuration to ensure all webpages, including those behind login authentication, are constantly monitored for accessibility.

Schedule Accessibility Monitoring Now

Frequently Asked Questions

Accessibility Monitoring allows you to check whether your website is accessibility compliant at any given time. You can schedule regular scans and keep accessibility issues in check.

Yes, you can monitor accessibility for WCAG Compliance using Website Scanner in BrowserStack Accessibility Tool. It allows you to schedule Accessibility Scans for your website or specific web pages at the desired frequency and send detailed reports on accessibility issues.

BrowserStack Accessibility Tool allows you to schedule accessibility monitoring scans for your website or multiple web page URLs as per WCAG compliance using Website Scanner. Schedule scan as per required frequency and get detailed reports in your inbox.

BrowserStack Accessibility allows you to schedule accessibility monitoring scans for multiple URLs at a desired frequency (daily/weekly/monthly). You can also monitor accessibility for webpages behind login authentication using login configuration feature.

Need Accessibility Monitoring for your website?

Monitor Accessibility of your website at regular intervals by running Accessibility Scans on Accessibility Testing Tool and get detailed accessibility reports in your inbox