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Jira integration with Test Management

Learn how to integrate Jira with Test Management to streamline testing workflows, better tracking, and enhance management.

Jira integration with BrowserStack’s Test Management allows you to create a more efficient workflow by directly linking Test Cases, test results, and Test Runs with the relevant Jira issues. This integration helps streamline your testing process and ensures better issue tracking and test case management from within your Jira environment as you would from Test Management.

As a Test Management user, you must independently integrate the Test Management application with Jira.

Integrate Jira with the Test Management

Depending on your Jira instance type choose the appropriate procedure for either:


This prerequisite applies only if your Jira is self-hosted and not publicly accessible. If your self-hosted Jira is publicly accessible, you can skip this step.

BrowserStack Local Binary

To successfully integrate BrowserStack with your Jira self-hosted instance, you need to set up the BrowserStack Local Binary. Follow these steps to ensure everything is correctly configured.

  1. Download the latest version of the BrowserStack Local Binary.
  2. Before running the binary, ensure the file has execute permissions:
    chmod +x BrowserStackLocal
  3. To connect BrowserStack with your Jira self-hosted instance, use the following command: ./BrowserStackLocal --local-identifier integrations-repeater --only <jira-host-url-without-https>,<jira-port>,<ssl 0 or 1> --key <browserstackKey>
Element Description Example
<jira-host-url-without-https> Jira server URL (e.g.,
<jira-port> The port number on which your Jira instance runs. Replace 8080 with your actual port. 8080
<ssl> Indicates whether SSL is enabled (1 for HTTPS, 0 for HTTP). 0 for HTTP or 1 for HTTPS
<browserstackKey> Replace <browserstackKey> with your actual BrowserStack Access Key, which you can find in your BrowserStack account settings. abcd1234efgh5678

This will ensure that you have the necessary setup to connect their local environment to BrowserStack before proceeding with the integration steps.

Integrate Jira On Cloud

Follow these steps to integrate Jira on cloud with your Test Management.

  1. In the left navigation bar of Test Management, click Integrations.

    Click integrations

  2. Click Connect on the Jira tile.

    Click connect on the Jira tile

  3. Select Jira On Cloud from the dropdown menu.

    Select Jira on cloud

  4. Choose your authentication method:
    • Click Connect with OAuth to log in using OAuth.
    • Click Continue with PAT to use a Personal Access Token (PAT).
  5. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the authentication.

After successful authentication, the Jira tile should indicate a connected status. Your Jira On Cloud instance is now integrated with the Test Management, allowing you to create and track issues directly from the tool.

Integrate Jira Self Hosted

Follow these steps to integrate Jira self hosted with your Test Management.

  1. In the left navigation bar of Test Management, click Integrations.

    Click integrations

  2. Click Connect on the Jira tile.

    Click connect on the Jira tile

  3. Select Self Hosted from the dropdown menu.

    Select Jira on cloud

  4. Click Continue with Jira.
  5. Enter your Atlassian host URL and API token to complete the integration.

    Enter host and api token

  6. Click Continue.

After successful authentication, the Jira tile should indicate a connected status. Your Jira Self-Hosted instance is now integrated with the Test Management, allowing you to create and track issues directly from the tool.

First, Integrate Jira with Test Management to connect Jira issues to test cases and test runs from Test Management.

You can connect a Jira issues to a test case while creating a test case in the Create Test Case form.

  1. Log in to Test Management.
  2. Click Create Test Case. Create test case actions
  3. Fill Test Case Name and other fields as per the requirement, then click Show More Fields.
  4. Select or enter a Jira Issue, you can select or enter multiple Jira Issues in the Jira Issues field. Entering Jira Issue while creating a test case
  5. Click Create Case to create the test case connected with the Jira Issue.

Alternately, you can also connect Jira Issue with TEST CASE DETAILS slide over.

  1. Select the test case TITLE or ID a slideover opens in the right with TEST CASE DETAILS section.
  2. Select the Link to Jira link in the Issues section. Link Jira Issue from test case details
  3. Enter the Jira Issue ID and select Link Issue to link the jira issue. You can also select Create New Issue to create a new Jira issue. Link to Jira issue

Once the Jira issue is connected to a test case you can open the linked Jira issue from the Issues tab in TEST CASE DETAILS slide over. Jira Sign in

You can link the Jira issues with failed or passed test case results.

  1. In the TEST CASE DETAILS slide over, navigate to the Results tab and select Add Result. Jira Sign in
  2. Select Status, then select or enter the Jira issue ID in the Issues field or click Add / Modify Issue to create or modify the issue in Jira.
  3. Click Add Result to add the status of the test case. Jira Sign in

The linked Jira issues with test results will appear in the Issues tab of the Test Case Details page.
Jira Sign in

You can link a Jira issue while creating the Test Run. Select or enter a Jira Issue, you can select or enter multiple Jira Issues in the Jira Issues field. Jira connection to test run

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